Chapter 12

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Peeta P.O.V.

I'm at my families bakery, pounding the shit out of the bread I'm making.

Katniss Everdeen. Only the most self-centered girl on this planet. And that's saying something. I should hate her. I want to hate her. But I can't. A bit of me - OK a lot of me - still loves Katniss Everdeen, the girl with the dark braid. I suppose it doesn't matter. According to Finnick, she's tried to commit suicide.

I feel really guilty. If I hadn't..... If our controversy hadn't happened, would she still be alive? Hold on, I don't even know if she's dead or not.  I slap myself on the head. Why did I accuse her of everything I did? Its all my fault she's tried to kill herself. Its all my fault, every last bit of it.

I yell for my older brother, David. He comes down, running his hand through his blond hair. "What's wrong?" he asks "It better be good. I think you've burst my eardrum yelling." "I... I need to go somewhere." I haven't told my family that I've kinda... fallen out with Katniss. My mother would be pleased, and the only time my mother is pleased is when someone else is in pain, so I always feel guilty when I've made her pleased - great mother she is. But my father is very find of Katniss, even fonder of her sister Primrose, and he wanted t marry her mother, but she ran of with a miner, so he got stuck with my mother. Poor him.

I'm jerked back to earth by the sound of David talking. "So Peeta, you want me to cover for you here, and I presume you don't want me to tell our mother, do you?" "Thanks David, your the best. I owe you one." I grab a jacket and run outside. I hear David holler "I never said I'd do it, little brother" I know he will do it, so I just yell "Thanks" and leave. I dig around in my jeans, and find enough money for a taxi to the hospital. I hail the next one that comes by, and tell the driver to take me to the hospital asap.

5 minutes later I'm dropped off at the doors to the hospital. I pay the driver and give him a generous tip. I run the steps, and walk over to the people at the desk. "Hello, Panem Hospital. How can I help you?" "I need - want - to see Katniss. Katniss Everdeen." The woman looks sceptical. "There's already a good few people in with her." "I need to see her. Please. I won't be long." My voice rises in desperation. "Please just let me see her." The woman looks at me, probably checking me for my sanity. "Keep your voice down. Do you want bloody security in here? I shouldn't let you in but I will. Your welcome. Beech Ward, Room 8." 

I take off, barely remembering to thank the receptionist. I take the elevator, frantically jabbing floor three, where Beech Ward is situated. What if she's already dead? What if I've killed her? Shut up Peeta I think. You don't know if she's dead or not. Eventually I reach Beech Ward, Room 8.

I shove the door open. I'm greeted by Johanna yelling her head off at me. "YOU!" She yells "YOU.So the great Peeta fucking Mellark has decided to fucking show up. She could be dead Peeta. Do you even give a shit? Finnick called you go tell you she's tried to fucking kill herself. And what do you do? You fucking hang up. I don't give a fuck if you've fallen out. You've been friends for how fucking long? Since you were 5. That's a long fucking time. And you've fallen out for what? A week. SHE'S ONLY GONE AND TRIED TO FUCKING KILL HERSELF PEETA. FUCKING KILL HERSELF. AND NOW, WHEN SHE DIES" "If she dies" interjects Clove, who I did not expect to see. Johanna sees me looking surprised. "Yeah. While you've been off feeling sorry for yourself, CLOVE SEVINA HAS BEEN HERE SINCE KATNISS WAS ADMITTED. AND YOU'RE ONLY FUCKING SHOWING UP NOW." Johanna pauses, presumably to breathe. "Johanna" I say. Her eyes glint with anger, and I wait for the backlash. "Don't you fucking Johanna me." she storms out of the room, slamming the door after her. Finnick shoots me an almost apologetic look, but its clear he's less-than-impressed at me only showing up now. He hurries after Johanna. Clove looks at me. "She was a bit harsh, I guess. Though if that was her reaction to you showing up, I don't want to see her when Gale finally shows up." She says the last bit venomously. Its only then I realise that Gale Katniss's I-guess boyfriend isn't here. "Where the hell is he?" I ask. "None of us know anyhow. We called him 5 times when she was admitted, but we only got voicemail. We left him voicemails, so he definitely knows she's in here. Its anyone's guess where he is."

Finnick returns, carrying Johanna over his shoulders. She hits his back, laughing, and demands to be out down. He flips her over, and they kiss. Clove smirks, and Annie lowers her eyes. Since when are they dating? I wonder.

"Oh, are we talking about Gale? I've nominated him for boyfriend of the year." Finnick says sarcastically.

Just then Katniss's heart monitor begins to beep. Annie freaks out, losing it. Finnick's eyes go wide, and he seems frozen with fear. Clove and Johanna holler for a doctor.

After what feels like forever, one arrives. "I'm sorry." he says "But Katniss is just about to die."

Hey guys! ☺ What a cliffhanger ;) not ;) . I'm sorry I'm a terrible updater :( etc. Sooo, whose P.OV. do youse think I should do next?? Tell me in the commentsand omg wattpads new update is confusing me :p I want the old one back

Bye xx

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