Chapter 2

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Sooner rather than later we reach our school. Dark grey building with many windows. Depressing. But all schools are the same I guess.
I see Katniss, Gale and Annie, and Peeta and I jog over. Peeta and Katniss exchange this akwardish smile thing and Annie rolls her eyes at me. I raise my eyebrows back, but before we can say anything the bell rings.
I've English first thing, Annie and Gale have math, I think, and Katniss and Peeta have History. I struggle through English, than art, which I'm okay at, and then Geography, which I'm hopeless at. Then its break, thankfully.
I'm last to reach our usual table, the guy in front of me not being able to decide wheter he wanted pasta or a sandwich. When I get there, Annie is nearly jumping up and down with excitement.

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