Part 2

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I quickly walked over to the door, completley forgetting that i looked a total mess. I opened the door and there stood Ryder and Micah. My mouth dropped. I said "H-hey Ryder, Micah." Hey Hayley", they both said. I looked at Ryder and said, "I thought you said an hour?" Ryder laughed and walked past me saying , "I did, but Micah here decided he was gonna show up early." I turned back around to the door and looked at Micah. "Well, you gonna come in?" I asked him, smiling slightly. He walked past me, and as he did his hand accidently rubbed over my butt. I turned around quickly and my mouth dropped once again, Micah winked at me and smiled.


Okay Hayley, get it together.

I walked into the livingroom and watched as Ryder sat on the couch flipping thorugh the channels, with Micah on the other end of the couch looking around the room. I just giggled and sarcastically said, "Well, just make yourself at home Ryder, its not like you have a house of your own." Ryder looked up from the tv and said, "Well thank you Hayley. How nice of you! Now go get finished getting ready and hurry your ass up. We gotta go before the whole days gone." I gave him the evil eye and walked to the downstairs bathroom. I got the shaving cream and took the short cut back to my room. I quickly shaved my legs, careful to not cut myself, and then went back to my vanity mirror and plugged in the straightener one last time. While it was heating up, i put my socks and boots back on and took my hair down. Quickly running a brush through it, and spraying more stay in conditioner in it, i straightened the wavy parts of my hair. I put my hat back on and went back to my closet. I rummaged through the box at the back and found on my favorite waterproof bag. It was leopard print with purple hearts. Yes, i am a tom boy, But i still love my girls colors. I put my phone, cash, and keys in the bag. I walked to the mirror one last time to take a good look. I thought i actually looked cute, so of course i took a picture. I quickley sprayed my Playboy perfume all ofer my body and walked out. As i walked down the stairs, I heard Dad talking to Ryder. It sounded like they were trying to whisper so i slowed down and listened carefully. "You better watch out for her, you hear me Ryder. I don't trust that boy, but i do trust you. I want you to know if anything happens to my little girl, i will kill him." Wow dad.. Thanks for having faith in me. "Yes sir, I understand. But i think if he tried anything she would put him in his place. We raised her right," Ryder said, laughing quietly. I decided they should be through with that converstaion, so i walked back up the stairs quietly, and turned around and ran down the stairs once more hoping they would hear the footsteps this time. I walked in the kitchen and walked over to my daddy and said "Bye daddy, I love you" He smiled and said, "I love you to sweetie, take care." I quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek. I walked in to the living room and i saw Ryder standing by the door, talking to Micah. I walked over and said, "You ready guys?" Ryder stopped talking to Micah and said, "Yeah, go get your four wheeler and bring it to my house. Me and Micah are gonna go get ours loaded. If your not there by the time were done, your getting left." I laughed and punched him in the shoulder lightly. I walked outside behind the boys and went straight to my garage. I stared up my four wheeler and headed to Ryders.

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