Broken Promises and Shattered Hearts

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Listen to All Back (Chris Brown) on replay for this chapter.


As of right now, were signing a contract saying were going participate in a new tour, I'm so excited because I get to bring Annie along. Her first tour!!

"Okay, let's go!" Black yells as we all get up from our chairs and saying our goodbyes.

We enter the limo as I get a phone call as I scooting towards the end.

"Hello?" I answer seeing it was Patrick. My mind flooding with bad images.

"I-Its A-A-An-nie." He stutters as I can feel him crying.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" At this point I'm freaking out and I've stepped out of the limo as everyone is watching me.

"S-shes in the h-hospital." He cries and I break.

The one thing that was really worth fighting for is in a stupid white hospital bed, not in her home. Where she really belongs, home, home- my arms.


The last thing I heard off the phone before I threw it, I threw it and ran.

Ran anywhere, anyway, just far away from where I was standing as I heard the worst information.

I hear multiple voices calling my name and footsteps running after me as I sprint down the long sidewalk.

"What do I do?"

All these voices burning through my head as a taxi pulls up and I get in, telling him to take me to the closest airport.

We finally pulled up to the parking lot and I pay hom and run into the building ad he drives off, thankful this lady who's crying an ocean is out of his vehicle.

I paid for a ticket back and go over to the ticket stand thing after checking my body for weapons.

I get on the plane and since it's first class I didn't have anybody else as the plane shoots in the sky. I look out the window as we're in the air, millions of miles from the ground. From safety.

I don't know what happened, I thought everything was alright, okay, just fine. Then it all burns down like a house, pieces flying everywhere, one of those pieced landed in my heart, on the spot.

"ANNUEL SPRING PARKS." I breathe out as the front desk girl nods and shows me the waiting room.

"PATRICK." I jump in his arms as were both spilling oceans. He holds me tightly in his arms and that's all I need.

"T-They, t-t-think s-s-sh-e i-isn't go-oing to ma-ake i-it." And right there, the whole world explodes.

The one person who does no wrong, gets put in the hospital, the one baby.

My baby.

"No." I whisper over and over again as a doctor comes near us with sorrow in his eyes.

"NO!" I yell as he clamps his mouth shut, shuts his eyes, and nods.

"I'm very sorry....Anneal Spring Parks...." He stops when I drop to the floor.

"Did not make it."

I ran, ran away. Over to her room.

Where I see the most horrible sight ever.

My pale baby, getting covered with with sheets.

"No, your not gone."


"Were matching!" I smile and kiss her forehead as she giggles.

"Where's Nashy?" She giggles.

"Pooping." I laugh as we both burst out laughing.

"I'M NOT POOPING!" Nash yells laughing, bursting into the room.

*flashback ending*

"Ma'am, I very sorry."

"NO YOUR NOT!" I yell as I sprint over to her bed. I slowly uncover the sheet as I the lifeless body, laying flat on the white bed.

I collapse in the floor, on my knees as they roll her away.

"I just want her right now." I say as Patrick helps me up to a couch. We both sit next to each other, burning with tears as I lay my head on his chest.

"What happened?" My unsteady voice whispers.

"S-She....h-had...h-had....s-stage f-four c-cancer." He breathes as everything rewind in my head.


"Mommy, my hair is coming out." Annie cries as she waddled into my room.

I sit her down as I see that her hair is indeed coming out.

"Will work on a doctors appointment." I smile as Jack calls me.

*flashback ending*

I never did take her.

"No." I shake my head, blowing oceans in his shirt as he strokes my hair.

"I knew....I knew." I shake my head, crying even more into his rock solid chest.

"I-Its o-okay." He nods stuffing his head into mine.

"I'm so sorry." I whisper and he nods kissing my head.

"Miss Parks and Patrick Jason Turent?" A nurse comes over and I slowly lift my head.

"Time of death, 12:36 am, date, May 10th." She says with sadness and leaves as I cry even more into his shirt.


"WERE HERE, I'M HERE, WHERE'S MY BABY?!" Sam runs in yelling as he sees me and pulls my into his arms.

"I'm so so so sorry baby." He strokes my hair as I cry even more.

""It's okay." He says simply and leads me to the couch and sits us down.

"I'm going to get some food, you want some Alex?" Patrick ask wiping his tears slowly.

"Please?" I ask and he nods and leaves.

"What happened, babygirl?" Cameron rubs my arm.

"Stage four cancer." I shake my head as I burst more again.

I miss her. More than I've missed my own parents. She's been there, through everything. I would have a bad day, I go home and she makes it better. I would be sad and her giggle would make me smile. Tour, her voice on a phone made me laugh.

Everything she did was innocent.

"I didn't think that when she said goodbye, she meant goodbye." I shake my head as I tremble with tears.

"Her last words were, I love you." I cry even harder if that's possible as Sam holds me tightly.

My whole world collapsed from one person, that meant so much to me. She gave the sun light, she gave me light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm so so so sorry my little Annie.


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