Leave me alone.

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"I'm not getting in." I say looking down as we walk towards the water.

"Yes you are!" Jack says in a matter of fact voice. I groan and set up our stuff as they take off their shirts and run over to the ocean.

"Look this is one step at time. You can do this!" Jack smiles and helps me set up stuff.

"I don't know." I mumble laying out my towel.

"Yes you do, we can do this!" He says and stops me from laying down.

"Your going in the water." He says as I shake my head and drop and cuddle into the towel.

"I'm going to take a nap." I mumble and close my eyes.

Then sun soon disappears and I open my eyes.

"Jack........move." I say angrily as he picks me up.

"Water time!" He smiles wide and I roll my eyes and shake my head.

"Can't I just be depressed for a second?" I groan and he shakes his head and throws me in the water.

"I don't want to be wet." I groan and fix my hair.

"That's not what your going to say tonight." He winks and I splash water at him and duck under water.

I swim over to Jack and get on his back, he lifts me up higher and he walks over to the guys.

"Can I go home now?" (Me at school)

"No! The party hasn't even started!" Nash yells as Cam covers his mouth.

"What party?" I groan as he shakes his head.

"Nothing." He smirks and I roll my eyes and throw my head into Jacks shoulder.

"Someone's grouchy." Taylor teases as I shake my head.

"I don't want to be here." I groan as Matt answers.

"But none of us care now do we?" He laughs and I pull my head up to look at him.

"Well I don't care, I'm leaving, probably just gonna go hitchhiking or something." I say and try to get off Jacks back but he tightens his grip and dosent let me go.

"LET ME GO." I warn and he shakes his head and laughs.

"Nope." He smiles and I narrow my eyes at him and give up.

"You stay here and deal with us." He laughs and everyone begins swimming and talking.

Well we were, Taylor was flirting with some girl tanning.

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