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"Can I just get a coffee please?" I ask Jack who nods and tells me to sit as I obey.

"Vent to me." Jack says and hands me my coffee, sitting next to me.

"I can't, I don't know how to describe my feelings." I shake my head and take a sip out of the white mug.

Soon Sam comes in with Cameron holding his collar.

"What happened?" Jack ask confused as well as me.

"Tell 'em Sam." Cameron yells angry, Sam shakes his head as Cam answers for him.

"A fan saying he got her pregnant, the best thing is....HE ACTUALLY SLEPT WITH HER!" Jack rises to his feet as Cameron let's go of his shirt.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Jack yells, his eyebrows pulling together.

"Look-" I cut off Sam.

"Just leave him." I say blankly, tracing the rim of the mug with my thumb, not even looking up, they all look at me with confusion.

"What?" Cameron ask raising an eyebrow.

"Leave him, let him handle his own problems. He's 23, he's not a child. Everything took a turn when we started helping him the first time, so just leave it. She's pregnant, great, she's not, I don't give a fuck." I say as I get up from the chair with my mug and walk over to Annie's room.

I sit on the rocking chair right next to her bed as I just watch the bed. Listening to the baby music coming from one of her toys.

'What went wrong? I though I had it all! I was giving everyone what they wanted.....and I get this. Why? I've been crying, yelling, sobbing....everything. but I just can't get my feelings out. Why? Why is it possible for me to feel like this? Hopeless, stupid, sad....you left me Annie, you really left me...it took time for me to figure it out....but you left, right when I wanted you. When I needed you. Your my baby. I can't let you go so easily. It burns when I hear your name. It just hurts.'

"I just want it to end." I say out loud as my mind races with pure horrible images.

I want to die.

Staph. I can't stop crying....ahggggg!

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