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Harry was practically shaking with exhilaration when he hung up his mobile. They had found her. He exhaled deeply. His Evie. This was all he'd wanted for 16 years.

It wasn't like he was never able to see her, though. Since she was his dimidium, he could see small flashes of her face on occasion in his dreams. And by small, he means miniscule. Despite this, her beautiful gray eyes haunted him daily. He wondered if she could see his face sometimes, too. He wondered if his green eyes haunted her like hers did him.

And in less than 24 hours he'd get to see them in person. A small smile grew on his face. This was the moment he'd been waiting for for 16 fucking years. Well, not the exact moment. The exact moment that he'd been waiting for was the moment that he would be able to touch her, to hold her in his arms.

Speaking of holding her... he checked his watch. He would have to leave within an hour if he wanted to be in Dunsmuir by tomorrow. California was halfway across the world from England, where his home base was. He'd have to fly at top speed all through the night but it was worth it. For Genevieve.

After sending a quick text to James with instructions, he walked down the hallway, looking for his right hand man. He found the blonde man chatting with some visiting Salvators in the meeting room. The Salvators were here from Scotland, Harry knew, and they had wanted to discuss the possibility of a 'merger' of their clans. Harry knew it was important business, but nothing was more important than Evie.


He looked up, smiling widely at Harry. He was always so goddamn happy.

"Harry! What can I do for ya, mate." He stood, dismissing the Scottish Salvators easily with his hand. They must have been finished with their business talk.

"I'm going to need you to hold down the fort while I'm gone."

"Gone? Where're you goin?" The Irishman looked confused.

"James and Daniel found her. I'm flying out soon."

"Found... her? Genevieve?" Niall, along with everybody else in their clan, had heard the stories of Evie, Harry's 'dimidium that got away,' if that was putting it in the right terms. Niall knew of Harry's longing for her. "After all this time?"

Harry smiled softly. "Yes. I'm leaving shortly. All you need to do is just keep an eye on things. If everything goes well, I should be back within two days. I'll be flying there and back."

"You're going to be flying? With her? She's human, Harry." Niall's concerns were justified. Humans generally couldn't handle the intensity of Salvator flight. It almost always ended poorly.

"She's only half human, Niall. She'll be able to handle it."

"Jesus, Harry." Niall ran a hand through his blonde quiff. "And what if she doesn't want to go with you? What'll you do?"

"Once I tell her everything about her heritage, she'll have to come with me." Harry stated this like it was fact. "But just in case, I instructed James and Daniel to pick up some... precautionary measures in California," Harry sighed. This was his last resort, his plan if she was really going to put up a struggle.

Niall shook his head exasperatedly. "Just go easy on her, yeah mate? She's only sixteen, right?" Sixteen was very young, especially in their world. Harry himself was over 500 years old, and Niall was pushing 400. Both of them looked to be in their twenties, though.

"She's the most important person in my life, Niall. I won't hurt her," Harry spat, sounding offended. "I came here to tell you that you were in charge, not get lectured." Harry straightened his shirt, irritated at Niall's warning. "I'll see you in a few days."

With that, Harry turned and left, headed for the roof. He didn't pass anybody on the way up there, which made sense because he was walking through his wing of the manor. Nobody except Harry and those he trusted were allowed in this area.

Once on the roof, Harry walked to the edge. He shed his coat off of his body, opting to just hold it in his hands for the flight. Luckily, the shirt he was wearing (along with most of his others) had been enchanted by Jeffrey, the young warlock under his command, and it would allow his wings to expand through it with no damage done, so he wouldn't have to fly shirtless.

He closed his eyes and fell, dropping about 10 feet before his majestic black wings spread out and caught him. He soared through the sky, looking like a regal bird.

I'm coming, Evie.

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