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Evie sat, completely still, on the bed. As she stared down at her lap, she wondered what Harry had meant when he said that they'd be 'together for the rest of eternity.' Unfortunately, he hadn't had the chance to explain himself before Niall had stuck his head in the room, claiming that there was an 'emergency with Jeffrey's cauldron,' whatever that meant. Harry had rushed out of the room immediately, after telling Evie that they'd 'talk later' and to 'not move out of bed.'

So there Evie was, left to process all the information Harry gave her by herself. It was insane, what he had told her. And Evie wouldn't have believed it, if not for actually seeing and touching Harry's wings.

Needless to say, Evie was completely lost. All she wanted was to go back home to be with her mother, and forget that this had ever happened. But Evie had the feeling that Harry would never let her leave.

Evie felt tears welling up in her eyes, but she forced them back and tried not to think such dismal thoughts. Instead, she decided to get out of bed and go sit in front of the huge window that was streaming the mid-afternoon daylight into her room, on the window seat that she had just noticed was there.

As Evie stood on shaky legs, she realized that she was still wearing her pajamas from the day she had been taken. That fact brought Evie a small grain of comfort, since she knew that nobody had tried to change her.

Evie slowly stumbled over to the window seat and curled up into a ball on it, gazing out of the window.

The room she was in must have been a few floors above ground level, because Evie found herself looking down on the scene in front of her.

The view was breathtaking, actually. There was so much green, everywhere. It looked like she was in the middle of a magical garden, with a forest bordering it. The afternoon sun gave everything a warm, yellow-ish tint. She'd never seen anything quite like it.

As she was marveling at the verdant landscape, Evie didn't notice Harry enter the room and come stand behind her.

"You're not supposed to be out of bed, little one."

Evie tensed at his words, surprised by his presence, but she didn't turn around or acknowledge him in any other way. Why did it even matter if she was in the bed or on the window seat? She was resting, either way.

Then she realized: it was about controlling her. Harry had told her to not get out of bed, and he wanted her to follow his orders.

Harry sighed. "Evie, get back to bed," he ordered, his voice low and intimidating.

She still didn't answer. She wanted to stay at the window, and she was pissed at Harry for thinking he had any sort of authority over her. Evie had never taken too kindly to people telling her what to do.

"Do I need to carry you to the bed myself? Because I wouldn't protest, angel."

That got her to move, and quickly. She got up off the window seat and stalked angrily (or as angrily as one can stalk when they're weak and exhausted) back over to the bed. She didn't spare Harry one glance.

She huffed angrily as she sat herself down and settled in.

"Good girl," he said condescendingly. Evie wasn't looking at him, but she could hear the smirk in his voice.

"I'm not a fucking dog," she snapped bitterly, finally making angry eye contact with the devil himself.

"No, but you are my dimidium so I think you need to show me a bit more respect," He spat, sounding furious.

Evie gritted her jaw and swallowed back an indignant reply. There was that word again. Dimidium. "You never told me what that meant," she said fiercely.

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