06: Caught

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You, Leo, and Nico were sitting in your cabin playing Mario Cart. It was getting late and all three of you guys were hungry. "Who wants to go get us all food?" You asked. All three of you were silent, looking at each other. "1, 2, 3 not it!" Nico burst out. "Not it!" You quickly followed.

"Aw come on, guys. Seriously?" Leo whined. You and Nico stared him intently.

Leo groaned, "Fine." He then swiftly got up and walked towards the door. You and Nico cheered.
"Yeah, yeah," Leo grumbled.

After Leo had left the cabin, Nico and you shared an awkward silence. "Hey, (Y/n), can I tell you something?" He whispered. "Sure, anything," you nodded.

Nico took a deep breath. "I like you (Y/n). Ever since we first met. For the longest time, I've had the hugest crush on you."

You stared at him, wide eyed.

He looked at you. "Well...say something. I've never done this before, so I need a little encouragement right about now."

"Is this enough encouragement?" You grabbed his face and put your lips onto his. He froze. He was clearly surprised. Nico melted into the kiss and was slightly on top of you.

"Hey guys! I got pizza and-AHH!"

Nico di Angelo x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now