34: Welcome to Camp Half Blood

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Being attacked by a griffin and this weird hybrid vampire-cheerleader with a donkey leg was not how I wanted to start out my weekend.

A boy named Nico came to rescue Alabaster and I from the monsters.

He did all the explaining and stuff about the whole gods and goddesses stuff and that we're demigods.

But his face was too pretty for me to listen.

Even Alabaster admitted by whispering to me that he thought he was pretty hot too.

By the time Alabaster, Nico, and I arrived at Camp Half Blood, our clothes were torn, cuts were all over our arms and legs.

Alabaster had a small branch in his hair, along with a crack in his glasses.

So yeah.

We were pretty beat up.

We took the whole 'you're a demigod' mess pretty well, though.

But right now, the main priority was getting healed. Apparently any more of this 'ambrosia' stuff will blow us up.

A huge centaur came trotting towards us. He ordered a few campers to walk us to the infirmary. He spoke in Ancient Greek. Which, weirdly, I understood.

It was a short, but still painful walk to the infirmary.

As we each lay on our own cots in the infirmary while some campers scurried around getting bandages and stuff, Nico tilted his head toward me.

"So how many schools have you guys been to?" Nico asked weakly.

Alabaster put on a thinking face.

"Usually I would lie and say four, but I don't wanna start out my life here with lies. So seven."

"He's lying. It was eight," I corrected.

Our cots were close enough to where he could shove me. I kicked him in the kneecap in response.

Nico laughed. "Most of the kids here jumped from school to school, either getting kicked out or running away or blowing up the school entirely. I assume your experience was something similar?"

I hesitated. "They didn't share my imagination as far as what a proper education should consist of."

Alabaster intervened. "In other words, we tried to burn down a classroom."

I shrugged, "Yeah, that too."

After we were all bandaged up and healed, a horn sounded. I looked questioningly at Nico.

"Dinner," was all he said.

Nico, Alabaster, and I walked in silence to the Dining Pavilion.

Nico explained that we had to throw some of our food in the fire.

"What? That's a total waste!" Alabaster exclaimed.

"Relax, it's an offering to the gods. And plus, since you two aren't claimed yet, it would be a good idea to get on your parent's good side," Nico explained.

Alabaster grudgingly shoved a piece of chocolate cake into the fire.

"Goodbye," he said to the cake, shedding a nonexistent tear.

We sat down and ate at the Hermes table. One of my buttcheeks were hanging of the edge of the bench of the picnic table because of how crowded it was.

I saw that Nico was staring at me from the Hades table.

He smiled softly at me and mouthed a few words, 'You okay?'

I smiled back and nodded.

'Crazy day, huh?' He mouthed.

'I've had worse,' I replied mouthing my words as well.

He laughed and continued eating his dinner.

Suddenly people started gasping and pointed in our direction.

I looked up and saw something floating over Alabaster's head.

I gasped too. "Woah."

"What?" He asked, "Is there another branch in my hair?"

I pointed to the symbol above him. It was a key and a torch crossed over each other to form an 'x'.

He looked up and awed.

"That," he pointed, "Is sick as frick."

The centaur, whose name I learned was Chiron, stood and bowed.

Everyone followed his lead.

"The bloodline is determined. Hecate, goddess of the three paths, guardian of the household, protector of everything newly born. All hail Alabaster C. Torrington, son of the witchcraft goddess."

A gasp from the crowd of campers broke the eerie silence.

Chiron looked at me as if he were witnessing my funeral.

"Hail, (Y/n) (L/n), child of (Godly Parent)."

Alabaster and I high fived. "Sweet," we said simultaneously.

After dinner, the campfire took place.

While Alabaster sat with his new siblings, I decided to sit with Nico.

"S'more?" I offered.

"Sure. You have some marshmallow fluff in your hair," he pointed out.

"You see, that always happens. I never find out how it gets there."

He laughed. "So, you happy you got claimed?"


"I'm so glad you're not a child of Hades," he said to himself to where I could barely hear.

"What?" I asked.


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