Chapter 7

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Hellllooooooo!! ^_^ Just a fair warning, this chapter involves sex, so all you little innocent readers, please keep scrolling!

Artemis P.O.V.

I woke up screaming, alone in the dark. Out of nowhere, a pair of strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me close, and then came the worst part: I remembered. I was at home, in bed with Storm. Raven had left because we got into a fight. I remembered, and then came the tears. "Shh, Artemis. Don't cry. Please don't cry," Storm mumbled sleepily as he rocked me back and forth. In that moment I craved his touch, I needed him to hold me and comfort me. "Hold me, Storm. Please," I whimpered, clutching at his shirt and pulling myself closer. In the dark, I could barely make out the smile on his face before his lips were against mine, melting away all fear and anxiety and doubt. As the kiss deepened, I realized it wasn't about wanting him, I needed him. His taste, his touch, his scent, all of him. I wanted him to get rid of the pain, make me forget. "Tighter, Storm. Hold me tighter," I begged. He pulled me closer, his grip like steel, and I tangled my hands in his hair. His lips were so soft, his touch so gentle as he slid one hand up my leg. I shivered at the electrifying sensation that shot through me. "S-Storm!"I moaned, arching my back above the bed as his hand slipped up the inside of my thigh and he began tracing small patterns with his fingers just below my pantyline. He leaned down and sighed in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "Artemis," he moaned softly as he began kissing down my neck and tracing my collarbone with his tongue.

"A-ah!" I whimpered, my hips rolling and bucking against him, begging him to ease the intense desire building up within me. I raised up off the bed long enough for him to remove my shirt. He tossed it on the floor and smiled down at me. I was completely exposed beneath this man. I had only done this with one other, and I was an innocent, inexperienced girl then. Now, I felt just as inexperienced, and even more awkward. What if he didn't like all my scars? What if he didn't like what he saw? I didn't know what I was doing. I was laying here with a man who looked like he belonged to the heavens. And he wanted me. He truly and completely desired me. I shivered as his hands trailed down to my waist, tracing my marks. He quickly pulled my panties off as his hands continued to move down. I wriggled my legs, kicking them to the floor. I was bare, totally and completely. He could see all of my weaknesses and insecurities, yet here he was, cherishing them. He caressed my most scarred places, he kissed my most sensitive spots, he explored my entire body as if it was his first time. I could feel the heat rise to my face and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Figures, I would have a gorgeous man worshipping every part of me, and I get embarrassed. Smooth.

His tongue traced and teased everywhere. I closed my eyes and let myself get lost in the pleasure. Suddenly, the soft kisses stopped, the gentle hands were gone, and I whimpered in protest. I looked up to see him taking off his clothes, and I went completely silent. Soon, he was hovering above me again, his pale grey eyes so close to my own golden ones, until I was drowning in them. He wedged his knee between my legs, gently pushing them apart. My body was trembling and my heart was racing; I was so nervous. He froze and looked down at me. "A-are you sure you want to do this?" he asked softly. There it was: the rejection. I knew this was all to good to be true. "Y-yes," I mumbled, looking away from him. I felt too exposed. I wanted to cover myself; I wanted to hide; I wanted to cry. Anything other than lay beneath this man who was turning me down with those gentle, loving eyes. "It's okay if you don't want to though." I couldn't bring myself to look into his eyes. Those soft eyes. He placed his hand under my chin and made me look at him. "Why would you think I don't want to? Artemis, you are tempting. I crave you right now, like the strongest drug. You just seem so nervous, so tense. I won't make you do anything you don't want to, so just tell me, do you want me to make love to you?" his voice was so gentle. He was so patient and compassionate with me.

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