Chapter 1

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"Brooklynn!", the rat yelled from downstairs. I swear, if this lady calls me down there one more time, she's gonna wish I was never born. I sit there for a moment until I finally sigh and swing my feet off the bed.

I rise up and slip my right foot in one bunny slipper and the left one in the other bunny slipper. "Brooklyn, I need your help in the kitchen now!", she yelled.

And she didn't sound all happy go Lucky either. I throw on my cookie monster hoodie and rush downstairs before she yells again. "I need you to wipe off the table.", she says with a smirk. While sitting on the couch. Doing NOTHING.

"Yes ma'am", I reply while walking to the kitchen and grabbing a rag from the drawer. So. Obviously my name is Brooklynn. I'm 14 and I'm pretty much a slave. Story of my life.

And this lazy rat I live with isn't my mom. Its a person that adopted me when my parents died. And to clear things up, I hate her. I would never in a million years call her mom.

My parents were murdered for absolutely no reason. Literally. They were walking home from work one day and got jumped from a pack of ignorant and selfish teenagers. My mom was stabbed 46 times and my dad was shot in the shoulder and had his spinal cord ripped in half. How lovely...

Well anyways I live in an overly- expensive penthouse in New York. And I have one little sister. She's really sweet and adorable. But she doesn't deserve a life like this. Which is exactly why were both planning to get out of this rat infested place within the next month. In other words, were running away from the lazy rat.

I get the rag wet and wipe the table off. I say I'm done and I'm about to go back upstairs until she calls my sister down here. No. I'm so not leaving Olivia down here by herself with the rat. She'll come upstairs with bruises all over her.

I sit on the couch and wait for her to come down. She trudges down the steps and trips on the last one. She falls flat on her face. I rush over to her and cradle her in my arms.

"You filthy animal. You should know how to walk down the steps by now. Geez. Well get up. You're fine!", says rat face. "She's only six.", I reply. Big mistake. "Did I just hear backtalk from you , Brooklynn?" She says with an evil glint in her eyes and another disgusting smirk. "Yes ma'am.", I say. Do NOT lie to her. You'll walk upstairs in two pieces. She walks over to me and slaps me across the cheek.

"Now you know not to backtalk.", she says. Dear mom and dad, Do I have permission to strangle this lady?

I help Olivia up and walk her over to the couch. She's crying pretty bad. Rat face doesn't care. She orders Olivia to take out the trash. "Hold on. She just fell down the stairs." I say under my breath.

Sadly, she heard me. "Congratulations Olivia! You win the award for falling down the stairs and being a clumsy brat! Now get up and do what I asked you to do!" She walked over to Olivia and yanked her up by her hair. "Owwwww! Brooky!", she screamed. I jumped up and ran over to her. I pulled rat face off of her and told Olivia to go upstairs. She was halfway up the stairs when rat face comes up and throws her all the way back down.

She's crying really hard and her lip is busted. I scramble over to her but I wasn't fast enough. Rat face gave me a punch to the nose and threw me across the room. My vision grew darker and darker and darker. The last thing I saw was rat face walking towards Olivia and throwing her across the room. But Olivia got back up...

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