Chapter 3: Demonstration

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[Wow!! 43 views! :O I’m certainly surprised! And appreciative to all whom took the time to look at chapter one and even more so to the ones who looked at chapter two! I even got a follower! That definitely makes me want to keep writing. Hopefully more will get to read it, but for now this chapter is dedicated to the few who are currently supporting this story. Hope you enjoy!]

[Disclaimer on Chapter 1]

Chapter 3: Demonstration

Theme Song: I Will Not Bow by Breaking Benjamin

I could only see out of one eye. My left one. The right one remained closed, because the blood pouring from the new cut over my eye was making it sting. What I could see was blurry do to a newly formed black eye. The view wasn’t very special anyway. My head was dangling downward and I didn’t have the energy to move it so, the floor had all my attention. It was moving forward and slightly from left to right. Every couple seconds another drop of blood would mark the floor, making a nice little trail for anyone to follow.

Along with a black eye and bloody cut, there was a new set of bumps scattered across the back of my head and face. Most were swollen, some were bloody, all were painful. My mouth still had all its teeth to my surprise. I was definitely lucky for that. My tongue had a cut over it from where my tenth had bitten it. The blood was slowly streaming down my chin onto the floor. It took turns with the eye cut making the drop trail. And then there was my nose. Banged, bloody and without a question; broken.

A shooting pain from my leg reminded me that my head wasn’t the only thing that was hurt. There were a good number of bruises and bloody cuts scattered all over my body. My arms had the worst of it from using them as shields. My left leg was sore with the formation of a big bruise on my thigh, but my right calf was burning. It was broken at the very least. My arms felt like my right leg only ten times worse. They both had to be broken along with every bone; including hands and fingers. What wasn’t broken was in pain from the scorch marks. They ran from the palms of my hands to half-way up my forearms. Blisters had already started forming, but most of it was raw and bleeding.

My torso was in better shape them any other part of my body. It was still hurt, but not as bad. This was thanks to the new armor Malaka had given me. It was now in need of some major repair. The front was covered in cracks and the plates along the back, front, and sides were gone along with the shoulder pieces and my scouter. The jumpsuit part was coved in various rips and tears. Any visible skin was covered in drying blood.

Bottom line, I was a banged up, bloody mess in a lot of pain. The best I could do was focus on breathing, but even that was hard. Where was the difficulty coming from I wondered? Could it have been from getting the wind knocked out of me? Or was it from the arm that wrapped around my stomach to carry me?  Either way, it was difficult.  I was surprised I was still awake at all.  To my luck the pain wasn’t strong enough to knock me unconscious. So I suffered all the way to where we we’re headed. Where ever that was…

It felt like we were walking for a long time. We took a few more turns before finally I heard a pair of doors open. We walked into a cold room that felt good on my burning skin. The one carrying me made his way over to a familiar voice.

“Hello Vegeta. I didn’t expect to see you here again so soon. Is there something I can help you with?” Malaka’s voice grew louder as he spoke.

“I need this repaired.” Vegeta replied, moving me forwards a bit.

“Hm?” I heard him move. “Not again! Didn’t I just patch you up?” came Malaka “All my hard work trying to make you presentable, all of it, gone right out the window.” He cupped my cheeks in his hands and lifted my head to see my face. Unfortunately for him, all that accomplished was making me gag and spit blood all over his hands. “Ah! What a messy child! You’re even worse than you were earlier today. Oh well, guess there’s no use worrying about it. Let’s get you in a Medical Machine. You’re going to be in there a while.”

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