Chapter 4 - Regret (Ash)

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Waking up on a saturday was like a dream coming true, because it was the start of the weekend. What was even better was remembering it was the weekend. I almost leaped out of bed, excitedly. I stopped a minute when I saw the picture of me and Serena on holiday on my bedside table. I tipped the picture onto the table so it was facing down. I wasn't about to let my thoughts get the better of me. I mentally pumped my fist and then grinned. Today was a new day, a new Ash of sorts. I was so pumped I ran downstairs. It felt like I had just jumped down.

"Huh? What's with the stomping" My Mom asked, surprising me.

"I thought you was at work today?" I asked as I grabbed an apple and took a huge bite out of it.

"I got the day off. You still haven't answered my question" My Mom might have though I was angry, she always thinks of the worst things. Paranoia crept through her brain like a virus.

I began throwing the apple and letting it fall directly into my palm "I am just really happy today, that's all" I gave my Mom a huge smile "I am going out in a few hours" I said as I threw the apple core into the bin and began heading upstairs.

"Make sure you clean your room, mister" I faintly heard Mom as I headed into my room.

"Yeah yeah" I said to myself, looking at the mess. Piles of clothes and rubbish.

"This might take longer than I thought"

It took a whole hour before my Mom was pleased with my work "Ok, you can go now" She seemed pleased that she got me to do so much work.

"Great, thanks Mom" I instantly headed to the bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush, then began to get ready.

An hour later

"You seem rather happy today" Cilan commented as I sat down on the bench beside him. I looked over to the other boys, playing basketball. It was a little windy but that never stopped them.

"It's a saturday, why would I not be happy?" I look questionably at Cilan.

He shrugged in reply "I guess everything that is going on would bother you"

I gave him a grin, that made him smile "I don't care if Serena dates the most popular dude in our grade. I have changed over the past month, since they began. I don't feel the same anymore, Cilan" Cilan looked at me with one raised eyebrow "Ok, that's a little bit of a lie. Of course I can't get rid of my feelings, but I can bottle them up for now"

"As long as you're confident, I will have confidence" Cilan smiled reassuringly.

"Good to know you have my back" I put my hand on his shoulder and he done the same.

"I will always have your back, as long as you have mine"

I nodded "Always, Cilan"

"Now, lets go play some basketball!" Before I could say anything, Cilan was racing off to the court. I slowly walked over and grabbed the ball.

"Mind if we join the action?" I put the ball under my arm and smirked.

"Woah, you haven't played with us for atleast a month now, what's wrong?" Drew looked concerned by my actions.

"The question you should be asking is, are you still able to beat me?" I kept the smirk on my face. Everyone saw a noticeable change in me and I was glad for it.

"You're going down, Ketchum" Drew said with a returning smirk.

"20 dollars says you can't even get 25 points" Drew nodded at my challenge. We faced off as the ball entered the court. The game had begun. Basketball was quite a simple, fast paced game. Once one team scored, the other team started with the ball and it was just as easy to score. Basketball scores always ended quite high.

After half an hour it was 23-20 to my team. The game had been intense because of our bet and the fact I was so pumped up I was still running while everyone else had retired to jogging. I had enough energy to run a marathon and then some to spare.

"I am done, lets call it quits" Calem said as his collapsed into a sitting position.

"Me too" Kenny agreed, doing the same.

"Aww, come on guys, all out of breath?" I tucked the ball under my arm again "Looks like you owe me twenty bucks" I flicked my hand out to Drew.

"You think I have twenty dollars on me? You'll have it on monday" I nodded and smiled. I felt so different, after this month of Serena dating Kevin I finally felt alive.

After we packed everything away, we headed in different directions. Drew and Calem walked beside me. Drew took a different path home, so I was left with Calem.

"Calem?" I stopped and turned to him.

"Ash?" He raised a questioning eyebrow at me.

"I need to borrow your lighter" I looked left and right as he gasped and leaned in for a whisper.

"How did yo-"

"I just do, Calem. So can I use it?" I cut him off. He took it out of his pocket and handed it to me.

"It was about time I forget about Serena completely. The same with you Calem. I know you have liked her since I had started my relationship with her, but lets get over it" I held out my fist and we bumped fists. He grinned and I grinned back.

"For sure, Ash. There is plenty more fish in the sea" He turned around and headed home.

"Calem!" I shouted

He turned as if to say what, waiting for me to say something.

"I am glad we can finally be friends" I smiled and flicked my hand up to say bye. He nodded and threw his hood up, before walking off. I clutched the lighter in my hand and walked home. I was determined to see this through.

Before my Mom could say hi, I headed to my room. I grabbed the picture of me and Serena, staring at it for a moment. It was about time I forgot about this whole mess, so I will start here. I let out a large sigh as I flicked the lighter on. The flame dimmed and then flickered, hovering under the picture. I slowly let a little flame go over the picture. The corner began to go black and the flame burned through the picture. I put the lighter on the side and stood over the bin, watching the picture burn. When there was nothing left I clenched my fist, which was shaking. I felt like I would regret this decision, but I didn't want to beat myself with jealousy over Serena.

I headed downstairs, finally.

"You're just in time for dinner" My Mom smiled.

"Great! I am starving" I instantly began eating as soon as the food was infront of me. My Mom smiled as she watched me eat.

"You haven't eaten like this for a while. Something happen?" She sat down with her own plate.

I nodded and another determined grin appeared on my face "I thought it was time for a change. Time to forget about my jealousy. A new me" I stopped eating for a moment, I had almost finished so I had to slow down, indigestion wasn't on my mind today.

"I am liking the new you, as long as he cleans up after himself and does his school work" I nodded at my Mom.

"I am not going to forget my priorities now, Mom. You will see my grades improve by Christmas"

"I look forward to it, now wash your plate please"

I got up and put my plate in the sink, making myself a drink first. I washed my plate and put it on the side to be dried.

"I am going to head upstairs for the rest of the night, so night Mom"

"Don't stay up too late dear"

I waved my hand at her and headed upstairs, before collapsing onto my bed. The adrenaline I had felt all day had worn off and I felt like crap. I closed my eyes and decided to take a nap. A twelve hour long nap. The only thing I could think about was Serena as I began to sleep.

It was time for a change and I knew full well my feelings for her will soon disappear. I am done waiting for her now, it seems our future has been decided over this past month. Kevin can have Serena, I don't care.

After all, Calem said there is plenty more fish in the sea.

Vaniville High - Third Year (An Amourshipping Fanfiction) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now