2- Riddle This

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Say the Word

Chapter Two- Riddle This

Once inside the House, the wolves transformed into their human counterparts. Faye’s presence obviously upsetting the residents as everyone eyed her with some form of curiosity that bordered hatred. She made sure to keep her head held high.

Confidence is key.

The thick wooden doors at the end of the hall swung open as they were advancing closer. The guards surrounding Faye left her side, and the beautiful grey wolf boy, and the black one walked a few strides ahead of her. The two halted, making Faye do the same.

"The trespasser has been captured," The black wolf boy proclaimed, bowing slightly along with the other.

"Chris," The alpha female, Natalie, bowed her head towards the former grey wolf. "Ace," The other. "Nice work, now move aside while we have a look at this one." She ordered, gesturing the boys off to the side. 

Chris and Ace moved on either sides, Faye taking it upon herself to step forward. She eyed the two alphas, Faye had never encountered the Silos pack leaders, and her father spoke of them briefly.

"State your name, child." The male demanded, that would be Alescar, greatly known as a fierce warrior when Faye’s father and his packs fought. Unfortunately for him, Faye’s father had won that war. 

"I am Faye Clo, daughter of Luke and Clarice Clo," She placed a hand behind her back in a small bow, glancing down from them as she dipped her chin, then back up. Their expressions indeed shocked, and peculiar. They remained silent, speaking privately within their link no doubt. 

"I apologize for the inconvenience of bringing you here in such an informal way," Alescar finally spoke. "May I ask what brings you so far away from home?"

Indeed Faye was millions of miles away from her pack. Her father had sent her here on a strictly important mission. Faye’s father had briefly informed her that the Silos pack had their paws in many human organizations, but focused mainly on medical advances. Word had reached her father that a formula had been developed. A formula that would change the course of mankind. A formula that would perhaps insure that there would no longer be mankind. 

Faye’s mission? Find the formula, destroy it, and kill anyone who attempted to stop her. Of course killing would be a last resort, her father detested the killing of their own kind, hence the fact Alescar was still alive. So Faye would fulfill her task swiftly and cautiously. 

"My father has sent me on business in the neighboring community," That was a lie. "I was to clear up some confusion among our human business partners. I had been trying to clear my head when I was discovered." She shot a quick glance towards Chris. "I had not realized I had crossed into your territory." 

The alphas nodded, but their expressions full of disbelief. "How old are you, my child?" Natalie questioned, gesturing for the two boys to stand by her side.

Crap. "I will be turning one hundred twenty-six in two weeks." Faye answered, her mind searching for excuses to leave.

"Excellent," She smiled, clasping her hands together. "My sons will be having a celebration next week, in honor of reaching an appropriate age of finding their mates." This was heading in the wrong direction. "It would be an honor having you here," 

This was an obvious trap. Refusing would result in a family feud that would only end in slaughter. Choosing to stay would prove disastrous if Faye’s true intentions were discovered. 


"Considering the fact of important issues I have awaiting me back home," Faye’s mind spewing out something intelligent. Think! "My delayed absence would only result in chaos," The alphas exchanged questionable looks once again. "However," She cringed at her idea. "I would be willing to stay if one of you can solve my riddle." 

What?! What are you thinking!? A riddle? I should be struck down by lightning, Faye thought. The four raised their eyebrows at her. "Challenge accepted," Ace replied confidently, folding his arms, waiting. 

Waiting on what? Oh, right, they wanted a riddle... 

"Out of the eater, something to eat." Faye paused. "Out of the strong something sweet." Silence hung tensely as the four pondered over her words. This just might work. After minutes of waiting, Chris took a step towards her.

"What is sweeter than honey, what is stronger than a lion," Chris answered, the story of Samuel in the Old Testament Bible flooding into memory.

You have got to be kidding me, Faye thought, baffled by his knowledge of the old text.

Faye tried to mask the impression. "Correct," A new form of respect for him building inside her. 

"I look forward to spending more time with you," He smirked, signifying the beginning of Faye’s new disaster.

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