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She could sense him again, watching her, stalking her every move. It frightened her but she didn’t know who to tell and what to do, so she did what she has been doing for a past week; fast walks back to her dorm.

She closes the door to the clustered but homey room and leans against the white washed door,a burdened sigh escaped her numb, cold and shocked lips. It's frightening to know that something is very wrong yet not being able to put a finger on what it is. It’s become a sickening game of predator and prey; she being the anxious prey, just waiting for the last strike.  She started stripping off her coat and slipped off her boots and walked straight to switch on the heater, it was freezing. She waited another few minutes in front of the warming air and wondered what kind of trouble she’s gotten herself into. A knock on the door interrupted her searing chain of thoughts. She happily guessed that it’s her roommate and skipped to open the door for the sweet girl residing with her. Without a second thought, she swung the door open but instead of her very welcomed friend, she meets a very unwelcomed sight.

A young man, probably a little older than her, in an overall black outfit looms over her, his burning grey eyes boring through her. With a rising panic she realizes it’s her predator. As soon as that thought hits, she tries to slam the door as fast as possible but he was faster. He slips through the door and shuts it quietly behind him. Then he does the unexpected; he crushes his lips to her, angrily and roughly.

She stood unmoving, not responding to anything that he did. He grabbed her waist and harshly shoved her toward the wall, trapping her. She still stood frozen. He unlocked his lips and looked at her with his same troubled grey eyes, they had flaked of midnight blue, she thought momentarily, until he started speaking.

“You have to come with me,” he said steely. She couldn’t believe her ears, how dare he demand her to go with him. He kissed her without her will and is a total stranger. Her anger flared.

“Get out!” she snarled.

“If you don’t, they’ll kill your sister, Aalia,” he said with the same monotonous tone. That scared her but she suppressed the gasp that was threatening to escape. Her sister was her only best and this stranger knew her name, but maybe he was toying with her, maybe it was all a big ugly joke. Sensing her disbelief, he sighed and pulled out a small piece of paper and handed it to her. It was her home address.

“I’m not lying, they will kill her, so let’s go,”

A terrified look crossed her face but she quickly wiped that look off and replaced it with a hard expressionless look. Somehow, she knew he was deadly serious and she also knew at that moment that she will be leaving with him, because her sister’s life was way more precious.

“I’ll be back,” she said curtly and he nodded in reply. She walked to her cupboard and pulled on a warmer top, a coat and her boots. Then she packed her bag, she stuffed her thought book into it as well as a blank book and many pens and pencils. She was going to record every single detail so that when and if she does get back, the police will know what to do. She was being kidnapped in such a civilized manner that she could hardly grasp the fact. A single tear slid down for her future, her past and for all the people she loved and cared for; just a single tear. With that she walked to the door where her kidnapper stood as if he was doing nothing wrong; as if this was as ordinary as breathing.

As soon as he heard her walk he went to the door knob.

“Walk out of the front door normally, I’ll follow. Don’t try anything funny because it will cost your sister her life,” she nodded tersely because she would never ever jeopardize the safety of her 16 year old sister, she loved her too much. With that she walked off down the hallway, to a very uncertain and possibly horrific future, but she’ll record it all in her thought book and she’ll be strong.

 *                                                *                                                  *

A/N : heyy guys!!! i have posted the prologue for this book and i will keep updating if you guys think it is worth reading.... please comment and vote to let me know whether i should go on. And a BIG thank you to Freebreeze "i wouldn't have posted if it wasn't for you :)"



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