Entry Three

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Entry Three


At around five in the morning today the real frenzy began. I was woken by the bustling sounds of people moving around in a hurry and men were screaming muffled gibberish. The door to my room was opened with a loud bang and Shay strutted in with hurried steps. He walked toward my bed looking directly at me. I noticed that he was already dressed in his usual black coded clothes; a black t-shirt, jeans and black combat boots. If it was under different circumstances I would’ve thought he looks nice in his mysterious way. He has this dark beauty about him but my hatred for him is just so big that I couldn’t give a rats ass about what he looked like. In his hands, he had a pair of clean clothes and shoes.

He threw the clothes in my direction on the bed.

“Get dressed, you have two minutes,” he commanded. I just looked at him for a couple of minutes, hating how he commanded me like I’m his dog. I so badly wanted to throw the shoes and clothes at his face and turn around to go back to sleep, but I doubt I’d get too far with that, he’ll probably snap my neck like a twig. So I just got up without another word and took the clothes quietly. There was also a pair of clean underwear and I felt so nice to see clean clothing but as usual, I kept my emotions blank.

I walked to the bathroom and opened the shower, while I waited for the water to heat, I brushed my teeth. I looked at my reflection; it wasn’t the same girl that left from the university four days ago. I had dark circles around my eyes, my lips were chapped and there was a fading bruise on my collar bone from one of the kicks while we were travelling here. I looked down my arms and a revolting blue- black bruise was plastered there; Shay’s fingers were marked on my skin. What shocked me were my eyes, they had a maddening gleam in them; I realized it was determination. They have me but I’m not going to give them the satisfaction of breaking me. I was stronger than I’ve ever been. That’s when I realized why Shay is always warning me; he can see it. I smiled a haunted smile and jumped into the hot water.

It felt nice. The hot water felt soothing on my aching body. I shampooed and showered with the cheap product lying there and jumped out. I dried myself and slipped into my clothes. He got me a dress that came up to my knees; a summer dress! I couldn’t help but grimace at what I was wearing because I was going to freeze to death, but I wasn’t going to give Shay the satisfaction by complaining so I walked out in the dress.

As I walked out of the bathroom I noticed Shay dragged in a sharp breath and was staring horrifically at his finger marks on my arms. His gaze traveled up to my collarbone and down to my legs, pausing at every fading bruise. I wonder if it makes him feel like a better man; stronger man because he can hurt someone.

I walked off silently towards the flats that were lying by the bed. I sat on the bed and slipped them on and when I got up, Shay was right next to me, still looking at the bruises. He handed me a warm looking coat that I didn’t notice when he brought the clothes in.

“Put this on, it’s pretty cold out there.” I silently slipped that on too and waited for him to lead the way to my eternal horrific future, but he didn’t move. He was looking at me with his smoldering gaze again and while he did that a thought crossed my head, a very unsuited thought; I wondered what those eyes would look like smiling. But I don’t ever want him to smile; I wish his life will forever be miserable. I hate him.

Anyway, I think he was debating between saying something but decided to keep his mouth shut and turned around to stride towards our destination. He expected me to trail behind him like his dog, and I did. What choice did I have?

We walked in utter silence and as soon as we got to the entrance, he took the blindfold and wrapped it around my eyes and a gag, that disgusting tasting and smelling gag went into my mouth. He tied my wrists up just like when we came here, but thankfully they weren’t as tight. He held me gingerly by my upper arm and exactly where he left his finger prints, with that he led me towards some kind of high vehicle. A jeep I’m guessing, but I’ll never know since I was plunged into darkness. He shoved me inside roughly, all previous gentleness forgotten, and climbed in after me. There was someone on the other side of me too so I was positioned in the centre, away from the door.

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