Entry Sixteen

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Entry Sixteen


Today was a normal day, or rather a normal morning. After that, everything went downhill – fast. Sometimes, I can’t help curse my luck, because it’s honestly beyond me how I could carry this much bad luck.

Anyway, my morning was the same routine that I follow like a ritual every damned morning. So like almost all other weeks, I was cleaning the already clean windows. Wiping them until the squeaky sound echoed around the room, scrubbed the ledge and corners until not a single dust particle was left. I like cleaning; it keeps me sane in this confinement.

Just as I was done, I heard the door bolts being undone. My heart leaped in joy, I can’t even explain how the thought of seeing him makes me feel; it’s that bizarre.  A huge smile plastered on my face, probably looking goofy as hell, but I didn’t care. Shay was here! Finally! Just that he wasn’t really. It was Arlo.

 His raven black hair gelled back, his Armani suit perfectly ironed. He walked in and gave me his signature bastard smirk. My smile melted away as soon as I saw him, whilst his grew even bigger. I was scared, rationally too, but I tried to show no emotion at all.

“I see you are very happy to see me,” he remarked in his deeply accented tone, shoving his hands in his pockets casually.

“Or is that I was not who you expected?” he asked, slowly walking towards me.

I kept quiet, I know better than to challenge Arlo, look what happen the last time I did, but I still couldn’t control the daggers that flew his way. I hate him – his very existence.

“You know, it haven’t miss the softness Shay has for you,” he stated as he walked towards the kitchen with me rooted in place. All I could do was think ‘oh no, no, no. please no!’

Here Shay and I were in the illusion that we were being very inconspicuous about our little blooming relationship, guess we we’re not as good, or Arlo is just too good.

“You have a much stocked kitchen too.”

I was paralyzed with fear; cold sweat was breaking out on the top of my lip. I couldn’t let Shay get punished again. My mind was in over drive as I thought of ways to divert the attention away from him; too bad I was as blank as the day I was born. My thinking skills had completely abandoned me.

“That useful bastard, he’s using you isn’t he?” he was in front of me again with a big smirk planted on his and a disgustingly big twinkle in his dark eyes. I knew exactly what he was implying. I looked away in loathing and at the implication. Shay would never force me to do anything that I didn’t want to do, he never has.

Arlo took my lack of eye contact as an affirmative to the shit he was implying.

“Ah Aalia, don’t worry, the auction is soon. Who knows, you might get sold to someone more…hearty,” he was now chuckling darkly. How he saw humor in the statement was beyond me. It wasn’t even close to amusing!

His hand came and caressed my cheek lightly, sending shivers of fear and revolt down my spine. I stood rigid and my breathing started coming out shallower. Satisfied with my reaction, he dropped his arms and shoved them in his pocket.

I wanted to breathe out in relief but I didn’t want to provoke Satan by doing so. So I just stood cold and still.

“I was just making my rounds to see all the girls. The place looks great, I must say,” he commented and with that he turned to leave. He walked out of the door, leaving an echo of bolts and locks as he exited. My knees became jelly and I couldn’t support my weight anymore. So I did what anyone else would do, I sat on the floor as my knees buckled.

A stream of tears started pouring down my eyes. We were so close to being caught, so close. The relief just released all the belted in emotions and I was crying. Why was I crying? I had no idea, no clue at all.

-End of Entry

Shay walked down the gloomy corridor, it wasn’t as quiet today. He could hear the sliver of sobs from a few rooms; he wondered what triggered the sudden emotional burst in the ladies. He reasoned that it was the fact that most of them knew about the auction and were probably weeping over their fates. His conscience was getting a little stronger so he started fast walking to Aalia’s room. The plastic full of groceries thumped almost painfully against his thigh but he kept walking. That’s until he saw Arlo bolting Aalia’s room.

Shay froze where he was, anger boiling in his veins. If Aalia was hurt, he was ready to kill the bastard with his bare hands. His fists clutched tightly around the bag handles as Arlo turned to face him. His dark gaze boring into Shay’s gray ones; both men determined to not look away first.

Arlo smirked as he broke the eye contact first and trailed his stare down to the grocery bags flooding with food. He casually started walking towards Shay and stopped when they were shoulder to shoulder. Not turning to look at Shay, Arlo spoke while Shay looked ahead.

“You’re paying her too much but anyway, go ahead. She’s here for only a few more countable days.”

With that he walked off leaving an extremely confused Shay with his statement. He had no clue what Arlo had just implied.

He quickly recovered from his stupor as he realized that it was Aalia’s room Arlo had come out of. He rushed to the door and re opened it as fast as he could manage.

There she was on the floor, her face buried in her hands and her shoulders heaving with the tiny, almost inaudible sobs. Shay’s immediate instinct was to look for bruises, when he saw none, he rushed to her and collected her into his arms. Food littering the room floor and the door wide open, but nothing mattered more than her to him, especially if she was crying. 

*                                              *                                                       *

A/N- hey guys, i've been having this really bad writers block and to be honest, i feel like i shouldn't continue this story anymore. i have no motivation to.

But if you guys want me to keep writing then please let me know. Ugh. i don't want to give up, but i do.

make sense?

Nah me too, makes no freakin sense. But any who, enjoy it :) Love you guys so-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o much!



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