Entry Six

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Entry six


Big boss came today, that bastard of a man. He strutted into the room while I was doing my routinely chores. Yeah, I’ve resolved to doing chores, Ma would have been so proud of me. I scrubbed the floors, polish the battered furniture and rub at the windows till they become glossy clean; it keeps my mind in the realms of sanity because if I sit for too long doing nothing, my thoughts take me to the edge of depression. I can’t afford that, not now, not till I leave.

So he came today, while I was scrubbing at the gym floor. He just came in and leaned against the door frame to the gym. At first I thought it was Shay, he hasn’t come since we had that little argument, so I thought he just came to check on his little pet. I was so wrong, and when the reality struck me, I really did wish it was Shay instead of that dirty idiot. Unlike Shays curious grey eyes, his eyes are a dirt filled black. They are the sort of eyes that send traitor shivers down my spine. He examined me while I kneeled on the floor on my knees. I ignored him; though thinking he was Shay, if I knew it was the devil himself I would have atleast stood but not out of respect, while I kneeled there he had a very good view of my backside. Creepy.

He did creepier things today other than check me out. He checked me out to a whole different level. After a while of just leaning casually by the door frame in his ridiculously expensive black suit, he finally spoke.

“I see you’re already practicing for your future occupation,” his words instantly made me freeze and the next moment I shot up standing in front of him.

“One never knows what they may be expected to do when it is in your type of case,” he continued in his deep accented English whilst slowly strolling towards me, “after all, it does depend on your buyer.”

He was circling me, like a predator does to its prey when it knows the poor creature has no way out. He looked me up and down, as if trying to see right through my oversized clothes, little did I know that was exactly what he was doing.

After a few rounds around me he came to a casual stop in front of me, standing with his legs apart and arms folded on his chest, trying to be dominating and succeeding in it effortlessly. The smirk that was painted on his face fell and his coal eyes came blazing on.

“Take off your clothes,” he said, as if asking me to do something as simple as breathing. I froze rigid in my position. My world started swirling around and unshed tears started burning at the back of my eyes. I didn’t move, I couldn’t move. I’m not stupid enough to dare him especially after what he did to the Asian girl; this man is the reason I wake up every night screaming with nightmares, sweating like a freak and gulping for air.

A big hand came and made impact with my face, smacking the daylight right out of me. Black and white dots started swimming in my sight and the coppery taste of blood filtered on my tongue. In a dizzy mist I fell to the ground.

“I said, take them off,” he said even more coolly but that demeanor was even more unnerving because I could see his silent rage. I stood up shaking terribly and I hated myself for feeling so weak, but I couldn’t help it, the tears were now coursing down my face freely. With trembling hands I took my shirt off and thereafter I took my sweat pants off. I stood before him in my bra and underwear only. I felt disgusted at the way his eyes trailed up and down the length of my body. A menacing smirk took form on his lips. I stared at him with tears throughout the whole episode.

He came even closer to me, sending shivers of loathing in my every bloodstream. He placed his big hands on the crook of my neck and slightly moved them up and down in a massage. His hands slid from my neck to my shoulders until his hands were trailing down my arms. Shockwaves of repulsion coursed through me.

“I see you’ve been working out, if I remember correctly, you were slightly chubby when you came,” he said whilst rubbing my now flat tummy.

“You will be giving me a lot of profit with this body” he chuckled. I stood as rigid as possible, I don’t even think I was breathing at that moment. I looked him dead in the eye and stared back with the same intensity while still trailing his finger encircled on my stomach.

As we stared, something broke in him because the next moment he grabbed me by the hair and pulled me closer to him. I could see the rage full on.

“Fear me girl, I can kill you!” he screamed at my face. A small whimper escaped my lips as the burning from my skull registered in my brain. It felt like he was ready to rip my hair and skin off. With his free hand he delivered another severe slap across my face, his ring breaking the skin on my lip. As stupid I happen to be, I didn’t cry or scream as he would’ve liked me to do. I just silently broke down and silently cried. He pushed me away with a hard shove that sent me to the floor.

“You will learn to fear me; I am not boss without a reason.”

-End of Entry

He sat on the very edge of the jagged boulder. The roar of the sea and the cry of the gulls did nothing to calm Shay’s frenzied nerves. His thoughts kept wandering to places in shouldn’t have been in. Arlo would be rounding girls up today, seeing if they were fit for trade or not, and this scared him because he knew exactly what could happen and he pictured all the horrors taking place with Aalia; Aalia swam in his mind in a never ending cycle. His muscles twitched with each passing scenario, each scenario with Aalia in it made his blood boil. He stood up so fast that he lost momentum for a second, but as soon as his senses stop swirling he took into a hurried sprint.

He ran through the labyrinth of people and food stalls. He ran even though his lungs constricted so hard and painfully that oxygen struggled to get into his system, sweat tickled down his neck and his spine and his legs hurt; but he kept running.

Finally the looming bleached bricks came into the view. The palace like building that majestically stood at the cliff darkly, if only people knew the secrets that loomed behind those walls. He ran until he was finally in the sinful hallway. His heart beat drummed in his chest erratically, he prayed to god with all his might that nothing had happened to Aalia.

He closed his eyes and took a few calming breathes as he placed his hands on the locks. He undid all the bolts and with each lock his nerves tied themselves in bigger knots, he was a mess. As the ancient door creaked open, colour drained from his face and his heart fell to the pit of his stomach.

“You missed the show, Shay.”

*                                                        *                                                                *

A/N- hey guys, im sorry about last week, i've been trying to get the last part right but even now it doesn't feel completely right. Anywho, i hope you enjoy this.

[this is not edited, but i promise i'll do the book once it is finished] tell me what you guys think about Shay's part :)



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