Entry Ten

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Entry Ten


Shay, my caring kidnapper; it doesn’t even sound authentic, whether I say it out loud or write it, it never sounds correct yet it feels so right to call him that. He actually came the day after he promised to take me to Grace, but he came with a plan so bizarre that I couldn’t help being terrified to the very core. It could not end well, but I was desperate to see Grace.

He came at night, very late but I can’t exactly say what time. Time here moves so differently to South Africa that I have lost track, I don’t even try anymore. Anyway, he came into my room as hushed as possible and I could see the fear and doubt in his frantic grey gaze.

“We don’t have to do this Shay,” I said, trying to convince myself more than him. He looked at me and for a moment, his eyes studied my fidgeting form. He slowly gripped at my shoulders and nudged me slightly so that I was looking at him directly.

“We can do this, Aalia, but you have to do exactly as I say,” He assured me, “But please, don’t try to make a run for it, it’s not so dark out of these corridors and they’ll catch you, ok?”

I could do nothing but nod at him; did I look stupid to him? I’d probably run right into Arlo’s room instead of the exit. He then bent over to pick up a black sheet that i didn’t even notice when he came in, he placed it on my head and started wrapping me in it until only my eyes were left uncovered. The whole time, I didn’t move a muscle as he wrapped me in darkness.

“It will help you disguise better in the shadows,” he explained.

I couldn’t care less at that moment; I was just so excited about seeing my beautiful, young Grace. I just nodded. With every second that ticked by, my heart beat accelerated by a mile and the butterflies in my tummy multiplied by a dozen. I could hardly grasp at the fact that it was all real, it felt way too surreal. I felt like I was sleep walking through a semi-beautiful dream until the undoing of the bolt jerked me back to my senses.

Panic rapt inside me at an unbelievable rate; a sixth sense told me that this wouldn’t end too good, but I ignored it. After all, ignorance is bliss.

He gently nudged me into the dark shadows that the hall was casting. I felt almost invisible as I wore my black cloak in the shadows. Shay normally bolted the door back, as if he was just making his routinely visit. He started walking casually while he motioned for me to follow in the dark. I did so. Everything was so eerily calm that I couldn’t help but feel like I was in some sort of horror movie and at the same time, that peculiar feeling in my gut kept wrenching for my attention; something was going to be so wrong, but I ignored it since I do tend to get paranoid in situations such as this.

The corridor stretched in a never ending straightness, I noticed that the doors were so far apart but I couldn’t help but think that our prison didn’t seem as big as the gap from one door to another and there were so many door! I wonder if there’s a prey incarcerated behind each of those horrid bolted doors.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I saw Shay’s form become very still in front of one of the many doors. He stood completely still, almost un-breathing. He checked right, then to his left, almost as if he were crossing the road, and then he gently started undoing the gazillions of safety measures that clung to the door. What did Arlo think we could do, go all hulk on the door if he didn’t decorate it with all those gadgets?

The door gave off a weary creek as the gap crept wider with Shay’s tiny nudges. He gave me an urgent hand motion which drove my senses into auto-pilot and I sprinted on full humanly speed to the door. Grace stood on the other side, in the dark night, and the only thing that gleamed in that jail were her fear filled eyes. I couldn’t help it anymore; I ran to her and enveloped her in a big bear hug. I had tears sliding down my face as I hugged her small broken body.

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