Chapter 3: Memories

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“Hey mum…” Ginny said as she walked to her mother’s side that she was waiting her in front of the shop. “Hey Ginevra, it took you a while?!” she asked but immediately stopped when she realized that her daughter’s face was full of confuse and worry “what happened?” Ginny simply raised her head and faced her mother “Nothing mother. The wand wasn’t able to got repaired so he gave me a new one.” She show the light in colour, pretty new wand, 13’incess swift wand with unicorn hair core made by silver lime wood “he said it is more suitable than my previews one” she replied and Molly smiled a bit “well that is good then child, let’s go, they are waiting for us” she started walking away and Ginny followed her but she was still confused with the wand-makers words and for her new wand, as she was walking away with the shop following her mother she was thinking it all the time.

Draco approached the shop, he saw the 2 figures, Molly’s and Ginny’s leaving the shop but since they were wearing clocks he didn’t realize them from behind. He walked in without really care for what happened and looked at Olivander. He smirked as saw me and bowed his head once out of greeting not respect. He stayed steadily and didn’t move his eyes from the wandmaker’s one. “What can I do for you Mr. Malfoy?” He asked with his usually calm voice, he was one of the fews that knew Draco didn’t become a deatheater because he asked for it or wanted but because he was forced to. Draco looked down ashamed, Olivander was once of the few people they had to treat him like a trash after all that he had been through to Malfoy Manor’s cellar and all the pain he was forced to feel from the deahteaters and Voldemort and he was simply staying there without talking at all, the he murmured something even though none understand, none even him would if he was a third person on the shop although for a great surprise Mr. Olivander did understand, not because he heard it but because he knew how is to be in Draco’s age and could imagine his own difficult place. “Don’t worry about that, not actually you fault dear child, after all there reason you are here for that you ask showing the best of you” he replied more like a father would to a son that a dealer to a shopper. He went backward, when he had the special wands and came after some minutes out. Those minutes Draco had raised his head and looking around, remembering the first time he went there.


He walked in and liked the place, his eyes were really huge and sparkling, inside those grey eyes the only think you could see was admiration for the shop. Even the place wasn’t luxurious at all, the 11 years old blond boy felt like it was the most beautiful place he had been ever in and he none could blame him since the wandmaker’s shop was the most magical place in the whole alley. The place where every wand lies and waiting for their owners to appear. He spoke after a while and saying “hello” but none reply. There was a wand on a beautiful silver box and another wand on a dusty old tatted box. The young boy picked the silver one and saw inside it, the wand was really a well made one, a total black one with symbols and perfect made, and a big one, and then he let it there and picked the other one. He blew the dust and opened it, the wand inside was simply. In the colours of black and brown, black on the handle and the rest of it brown. When he hold it a warmth of his hand took part, it was like the wand was part of his whole body, part of his hand when the boy thought that there was no way for that to happen. “The wand is an extension of your hand young Mr. Malfoy, it chose you and you chose it too that is a rare combination” the old man replied to the 11 years old boy in front of him “so that means it mine?” Draco asked and Olivander nodded at him with a small smile like a grand-father would give to his own grand-son. Draco’s eyes sparkled more as he held his wand in the air and laughing, he loved his wand, he really did love it. His mother walked in and pay for the wand then they both left from the shop with Draco smiling at Olivander, holding his wand toward his chest, refuse to leave it as the door was closing behind him his head bowed once in a thankful way and then they disappeared with Narcissa to make the rest of their shopping with Mr. Malfoy senior.

Suddenly the memory changed as the last thing Draco was thinking was Olivander’s figure.

He was staring at Olivander’s figure once more, only that he seemed shorter than usual, older and more tired than forever. Bellatrix was making circles around the wand maker and her wand was in her hand waving harshly, then a red flash appeared and the old man screamed in pain as he fall on the ground shaking in pain by the straight of Crucio curse. Draco wanted to shout NO, to help him but he couldn’t. He was a deatheater and if he did that would mean death, death to his family from him, from the dark lord.

End of flashback

Draco’s mind return to where he was at first place, to the Olivander’s shop. The fog of thoughts left his eyes and noticed the steps of the old man. He walked back to the entrance and opened a box, same as the one that Draco had open when the first time took his wand. Olivander offered him the wand, his wand and Draco took it, he felt exactly as he had feel when he was a boy. He placed the payment on the desk and turned to leave when Olivander commented “the wands choose their masters Mr. Malfoy but it’s rare to see that they master choose the same wand as well. That makes the bond between you and your wand unbreakable.” Draco turned and nodded at him, a small smirked appeared when he remembered exactly how he lost his wand, still the wand return to him. That showed a type of happiness that Draco had to feel since… never. He never felt special, even when he was saying with interrogation that he was a Malfoy and felt superior of all. Olivander smiled a bit and nodded once, then gave Draco back the hathwood wand. Then he paid the wand and turned. Olivander took the money from Draco and looked at him as he opened the door and left the shop with the slightly “ding” of the small bell.

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