MSB: MHFTB- Spring Break

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Kendall was driving in her car on her way to where the bodyguards work. "You got that James Dean, daydream, look in your eye~ and I got that red lip classic thing that you like~ and when we go crashing down, we come back every time~ 'cause we never go out of style~ we never go out of style~" She sang along to the radio.

She parked in her usual parking spot and got out of the car. "Weird... Kenta's usually out here. Probably on a potty break."

She went in and entered the SP room. "Hey! Hey! Hey!" Kendall said. "Good afternoon, Ms. Ferreira." Katsuragi said. "Oh! Hello Katsuragi. Where is everyone?" Kendall asked. "They are in the changing room. We're getting ready to go cherry blossom viewing." Katsuragi said. "The whole SP team?" Kendall asked. "That's correct. There will be another team guarding the Prime Minister of course." Katsuragi said. "That's good. Also, you team does need a break together once in a while, you know?" Kendall said. "I agree. Your spring break just begun, correct?" Katsuragi asked. "Yeah. I got out early today and I don't have work for a few days." Kendall said. "I see, that's good. I was hoping you would like to join us?" Katsuragi asked. "Of course! I can't believe Mizuki didn't tell me this beforehand!" Kendall said. "It was established recently, so he didn't know himself." Katsuragi said. "Ok... So... We're going to go as soon as everyone is done getting ready?" Kendall asked. "Yes, Ms. Ferreira." Katsuragi said. "I'll just wait here." Kendall said and sat down on a chair.

After they all got ready, they headed out all together. "I'm so glad you're coming, Kendall!" Sora said. "I'm glad I'm here too." Kendall said and giggled. "Is it me or do you look cuter today?" Sora asked. "I don't know what you're talking about..." Kendall said. "You're wearing makeup! You look so pretty!" Sora said hugging her.

She looked down and had him break the hug. "Sora..." Kendall said. "What?" Sora asked. A smirk appeared on her face. "WHAT ARE THOOOOOSE?!" Kendall exclaimed. "Huh?! You mean my shoes?" Sora asked. "Yeah... Why are you wearing those?" Kendall asked. "They're cool, right?" Sora asked. "Uh... I guess so." Kendall said. "Sora, can you not hug Kendall so casually." Mizuki said giving him the evil eye. "Whoa! Don't look at me like that!" Sora said. "Kendall, want some gum?" Kaiji asked. "Yes, please." Kendall said and put the gum in her mouth.

She was trying to blow a bubble, but it didn't work out. "Aw man!" Kendall exclaimed. "What's wrong?" Subaru asked. "I was trying to blow a bubble, but the whole gum just fell out. Sorry Kaiji, but can I have another piece?" Kendall asked. "Knock yourself out." Kaiji said handing her another piece. "Thanks." Kendall said. "Hey Kendall, when we arrive there, why don't you sit next to me for once?" Subaru asked. "Uh, no! She'll be sitting next to me!" Sora exclaimed. "If you don't want to deal with rowdy people, sit next to me." Kaiji said. "It's natural to sit next to the one you're dating, so she'll be sitting next to me." Mizuki said. "Claustrophobic, guys!" Kendall exclaimed. "Step away from Ms. Ferreira and stop this at once!" Katsuragi exclaimed.

They all stepped away from her, and she let out a relieved sigh. "You guys should know better by now..." Kendall said. "At times I feel like I'm a kindergarten teacher rather than a chief." Katsuragi said. "OOOOOOOOOOOH! He went there!" Kendall exclaimed while laughing her ass off. "Is she ok?" Kaiji asked. "Quit causing a scene." Subaru said. "My bad..." Kendall said calming herself down.

They arrived at the cherry blossom orchid, meeting Kenta at a picnic spot. "Kendall! You came!" Kenta said. "Yeah! Cause the party doesn't start till I walk in! What's up?!" Kendall said fistbumping him. "You're extra hyper today! What happened?" Sora asked. "I guess I'm just excited." Kendall said. "Did you eat chocolate before coming here?" Mizuki asked. "No... Yes. While I was waiting for you guys to get finished changing, I ate like four chocolate bars." Kendall said. "A sugar rush..."Sora said. "I'm trying to calm down." Kendall said. "You two are here too?!" Subaru exclaimed. "Yes, what of it?" Ishigami asked. "Subaru." Goto said. "Goto." Subaru said. They glared at each other that you could see sparks flying. "GOBARU!" Kendall exclaimed.

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