MSB: MHFTB- A Baby On Its Way

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After getting back from their honeymoon, they made it back to their home. Home sweet home. It's been a while, but she couldn't believe she was Mrs. Fujisaki. Going through what she went through, she managed to marry the man of her dreams.

"Man! It's good to be home!" She threw herself on the bed, spreading herself out.

"Our honeymoon was really fun, but it's relaxing to be where we belong."

"I can't believe we got to go to Paris! You never fail to surprise me, Mizuki."

"Hehe. It's a husband's duty to make his wife happy."

Hearing 'husband' and 'wife' alone makes her feel overjoyed. The bae is her husband, but she still fangirls internally at whatever he does. At the same time, he gives her life lessons, and surprisingly she does the same to him.

"Since it's around dinner time, what would you like to eat?"

"Can you make some American food?"

"Does steak sound good to you?"

"Yes. You're going to make it taste delicious."

"You say that every time!" She smiled while shaking her head.

"It's the truth. Can you wear that cute apron while you cook?"

"You mean the one you recently got me? Sure I guess."

She put the apron one, and started to take out what she needed to cook. "Just as I thought. It looks very cute on you."

"Thank you."

"You're a cute little wife."

She sighed. "The more you distract me, the longer dinner will take. I bet you're starving, right?"

"Not really." His stomach growled, and a blush ran across his face.

"Just occupy yourself while I'm cooking. It'll take about a hour."

In the middle of cooking, she felt a pair of arms go around her waist, a chin in her shoulder, and a body hugging her from behind. "Hi... It's almost done."

"It looks really good, Kendall."

"I try my best. I've never been the best cook, but I've learned to be better at it when I moved here. It's thanks to Subaru and Boss for teaching me."

"You have come so far where you are now. I'm proud of you."

"Aw~ Thank you! Oh! It's about done so let me put them on a plate. Can you let go of me for a minute?"

"I like being like this."

"Do you want your dinner to burn?" He slowly let her go. "Thought so. Don't worry, you can hold me as long as you want after dinner, ok?"



After eating, they cuddled on the couch while watching T.V. Their legs intertwined and their faces close, it was a nice way to spend the rest of the night.

About a couple months later, Kendall has been waking up with morning sickness every morning. At her last year of college, she had to bail out of class several times due to feeling nausea, so she was spent a majority of the time at the nurse's office. "I will call your doctor to check what's wrong with you."

"Thank you. It's much appreciated."

Later that day, she went over to her doctor's clinic to check what was going on in her body. She was being tested over and over to get an accurate result. After she was done with testing, she waited in the room for the doctor to come back.

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