MSB AU: The Hybrid Who Fell From the Sky

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On break from both college and work, Kendall was going to join the bodyguards on their training retreat up on the mountains. She wasn't going to actually 'join' them, but be there for support and she had nothing to do anyway, so why not? They were traveling by shuttle, and it was pretty quiet, except for one...

"Just a small town girl~ Living in a lonely world~ She took the midnight train going anywhere~ Just a city boy~ Born and raised in South Detroit~ He took the midnight train going anywhere~" Kendall sang jamming out to her iPod while wearing headphones.

She felt someone taking out one of the earbuds. "I'm sorry to interrupt you, but do you realize that you're singing out loud?" Mizuki asked. "I am?! Sorry about that guys..." Kendall said. "What song are you listening to?" Sora asked. "...I don't know." Kendall answered. "Liar. If you didn't know, you wouldn't be singing it." Kaiji said. "Huh... Embarrassed?" Subaru asked. "Not really no. I didn't realize that I was screaming out the words, so... Sorry." Kendall said. "It was really cute." Mizuki said. "Thank you, but please don't add more fuel to fire when I'm trying to put it out." Kendall said. "Give us an encore!" Sora said. "Encore! Encore!" The four exclaimed. "Will all of you settle down and sit back in your seat?!" Katsuragi exclaimed.

The guys who originally got up went back to their seats. "Thank you Katsuragi." Kendall said. "I'm sorry that my men were giving you a hard time." Katsuragi said. "It's fun when they're like that and all, but sometimes I'm like 'Really guys?' but they'll still my really good friends and Mizuki is my... You know." Kendall said. "I understand. We're almost to our destination, so please hang on a little longer, Ms. Ferreira." Katsuragi said. "Ok, thank you." Kendall said. "I'm your what?" Mizuki asked smirking. "My... Boyfriend... Who I love very much and- Wait, why am I explaining this to you?! Damn it, Mizuki!" Kendall exclaimed while blushing. "Hehe. I just wanted to hear it." Mizuki said. "You love teasing me, don't you?" Kendall asked. "Since I know what makes you tick, it became a lot more fun." Mizuki said. "Oh yeah... When we were getting to know each other, it was hard for you to tease me since I would just respond with smartass comments. But now..." Kendall said. "I know your weaknesses." Mizuki said. "If you use them against me I swear to god..." Kendall said. "I already have before." Mizuki said. "I love you bae, but oh my god..." Kendall said.

They arrived at the destination. "I get my own room, right?" Kendall asked. "Correct. While we're doing our physical activity, you may stay inside your room or take a look around if you like, but please don't go too far off." Katsuragi said. "Understood. You guys going to start right now?" Kendall asked. "Once we get our stuff settled, we will begin." Katsuragi said. "Ok. I'm just going to walk around for a little bit, and then relax in my room for the rest of the day." Kendall said. "Don't stuff yourself in your room for too long or else you'll become a hermit." Kaiji said. "And it's not good for you. The least you can do is open a window or step out from time to time." Subaru said. "She's most of the time in her room, looking at things on her laptop." Mizuki said. "What things..?" Sora asked. "I'm on social media! If you were thinking about something else, you're way wrong!" Kendall exclaimed. "You sure about that?" Subaru asked. "Yeah! I'm too chicken to look up 'things' and if I come across it, I... Uh... Never mind." Kendall said. "So you do look at things." Kaiji said. "No I don't! Get your minds out of the gutter!" Kendall exclaimed. "Stop harassing Ms. Ferreira and get changed! NOW!" Katsuragi said.

She let out a relieved sigh. "I'll see you later, Kendall." Mizuki said. "See ya and good luck." Kendall said.

While the bodyguards were doing their training, she was walking through the small woods, making sure she wasn't going too far. "What is there to do out here..?" She asked herself.

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