MSB: MHFTB- Beach Vacation

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Gradually each day, it was getting hotter and hotter. "It's hot as balls out here..." Kendall said.

She went into the Prime Minister's residence where it was nice and cool. "Gross... I feel really sticky..."

"Hey Kendall!" Sora said and hugged her. "Hey Sora." Kendall responded. "Get off of her. She just got out of the heat." Subaru said. "Oh, right!" Sora said. "Hello Kendall." Mizuki said. "Hey. What are you all up to on this... Day." Kendall said. "We were going to do a little something. So tell me, Kendall. What swimsuit do you usually wear?" Sora asked. "Why are you asking that out of the blue?" Kendall asked. "Didn't Kaiji text you last night about it?" Subaru asked. "Uh, no. I didn't get any messages last night." Kendall said. "Strange... He said he did." Subaru said. "And about the swimsuit, I usually wear a bikini." Kendall said. "...On second thought, wear a one piece." Sora said. "Pffff. Why the sudden change of heart?" Kendall asked. "We don't want anyone checking you out." Sora said. "For once, I agree with you, Sora." Mizuki said. "Uh, no. I want my belly to be free. If guys are going to check me out, I'll just do something really unattractive so they'll stop." Kendall said. "Like what?" Subaru asked. "I don't know like... Make whale noises." Kendall said.

That made Mizuki laughed. "You've been hanging out with Mizuki way too much, Kendall." Sora said. "Duh! We're going out!" Kendall exclaimed. "I didn't know you were here, Kendall." Kaiji said coming over. "Oh hey Kaiji. These guys told me you were supposed to text me something last night." Kendall said. "Last night..? Oh! We're all going to the beach tomorrow." Kaiji said. "Sweet! I love the beach! I haven't been to one since moving here! By the way, where's Katsuragi?" Kendall asked. "He's pre-occupied. He's unable to join us on our trip, because he has a lot of work to do." Mizuki said. "Aw... That sucks." Kendall said. "We're not going to a beach around here if that's what you're thinking." Kaiji said. "Then... Which one are we going to?" Kendall asked.

They traveled, ending up going to a beach in Hawaii. "I feel like I'm at home." Kendall said. "You're half Hawaiian, right?" Sora asked. "Yeah. You all should know what I am by now." Kendall said. "Kendall, you mentioned that you've always wanted to ride on a banana boat, right?" Kaiji asked. "I do! You remembered!" Kendall said. "I call sitting behind Kendall!" Sora exclaimed. "What the hell, Sora!" Kaiji exclaimed. "I believe I should be at that spot." Subaru said. "Let's draw sticks to see who sits where." Mizuki said. "Oh god... He's up to no good. I know that cheeky grin is plotting something." Kendall thought.

After drawing sticks, it was Mizuki who ended up sitting behind Kendall. "Yeeyah! I'm in front!" Kendall exclaimed.

The guys all glared at Mizuki thinking he plotted something, but keeps denying it with a smile. "Let's get it on!" Kendall exclaimed. "You seem excited..." Mizuki said. "I am! Can we move now?" Kendall asked.

The boat started to move. It started at a slow pace, but gradually gained speed. "It's going really fast!" Sora said. "Is everyone alright?" Mizuki asked. "Yeah, I'm good." Kaiji said. "Let's make this boat go faster." Subaru said. "This is plenty fast!" Kaiji exclaimed.

To his command, the boat was faster than before. "WOOHOO!" Kendall screamed. "How are you enjoying this?! This speed is out of control!" Kaiji exclaimed. "Thanks a lot Subaru!" Sora said. "What?! I didn't do anything!" Subaru exclaimed. "Kendall!" Mizuki exclaimed. She slipped off the boat and fell straight into the water.

Afterwards, they reached the shore. "Are you alright?" Mizuki asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." Kendall said. "I can't believe you jumped in to try to save her." Kaiji said. "She can swim, you know." Subaru said. "That proves that Mizuki is a worry wart for Kendall." Sora said. "I thought she was going to drown..." Mizuki said blushing. "The water was like 5 feet deep, and like Subaru said, I know how to swim. Thank you for worrying about me, but when it comes to water, I can help myself." Kendall said.

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