I had Harry Styles child - wedding part two - lets sing!!

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Ok, so this chapter took me a bit to write, as I didn't know what to write for the best man speech and the other guys. This chapter was written by me and some friends, so enjoy our silliness :P will update next and most likely the last chapter in a few days. - Chanzy :) x

Alexa's POV

*wine glass and tea spoon clinking*

"I think it's now time for the best man's speech." Niall said, as everyone went quiet, gesturing his hand to Liam.

"Thank you Niall." Liam said, smiling at him.

"Anytime mate." Niall said, as he sat back down, and Liam got up.

"So everyone knows that Harry and Alexa have known each other all their lives. Became best friends when they were babies and dated in high school, had a child and another one on the way, and now are married." Liam started off, letting everyone nod for a second, before he continued.

"Well we all know that they are deeply in love, or they wouldn't of had gotten married. I'm so proud of you Harry and Alexa. You've had ups and downs, mainly with the band's fans and haters, but you two still pulled through and made each other happy." Liam told everyone, looking at Harry and I.

Harry and I smiled at him, I could see Aaron and Drake smiling as well from the corner of my eye, as they're a table across from where I am. Louis made a sobbing noise, and big dramatic sniff noise, and pretended to blow his nose in his hankie. Everyone in the room lightly laughed at Louis's reaction. I saw Zayn slightly nudging Louis, I smiled and shook my head amusedly.

"Louis, it's going to be fine." Harry said, leaning over to him, patting his back.

"I'm just so proud of you two." Louis whispered, which I could hear surprisingly, I smiled at Louis, he saw me and returned the smile.

"We've all had good times and the awkward times. So Harry and Alexa please don't hurt me for what I'm about to say." Liam said, looking at us waiting for a response, Harry and I shrugged.

"Depending what they are." I said cheekily, smirking at Liam, he lightly chuckled.

"Haha. Although Harry use to get naked all the time and was very cheeky, still is, we all know he's matured a bit and has found the love of his life. Ohh and even though I accidentally walked in on them a couple of times, I still love them." Liam said, making me blush slightly, but giggling when he mentioned about Harry getting naked, aha.

"I miss Harry getting naked!!" Drake said jokingly, kind of, winking at Harry, I shook my head at my brother.

Everyone laughed at my brother's comment, Liam and Niall pointed at Drake and laughed. By Liam and Niall pointing at Drake, they meant they missed it too, I hope not that much, aha, slightly awkward. Drake and I made eye contact, he just smiled cheekily at me, I shook my head at him, rolling my eyes at him. I leaned little but over to Harry, Drake watched me.

"You better not get naked in front of my brother anymore." I whispered to Harry.

"Only in front of you." Harry whispered back, kissing my ear, holding my hand, I blushed. Drake smiled at us.

"Harry is the luckiest guy on earth to have Alexa. She's so sweet, caring, kind, loving, forgiving. She's very funny, a mother and now a wife to Harry. Alexa is also lucky to have Harry, I know, we all know, that he will never hurt her and will do anything for her." Liam said to everyone, they all agreed, Harry and I smiled at them.

"My baby boy is growing up." I heard Louis sob.

Harry heard too, as he got out of his chair and went to Louis and hugged him. I saw Louis actually crying, I got out of my chair too and hugged him. I pulled apart a little bit and kissed his cheek, wiping his tears away. Oh god, I let a tear drop, Louis smiled and wiped my tear away.

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