Chapter 10: Lockdown

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As I woke up I turned over to see Scott still laying in the spot he was in when he fell asleep. There was still enough time to make breakfast before school started. I got up slowly without waking up Scott and walked downstairs to the kitchen, I eventually got out the eggs and cereal. I then heard some footsteps coming from upstairs, i didn't think too much of it knowing that Scott probably was up getting ready until I heard a yell from Scott. I dropped the eggs and ran upstairs.

"What's wrong!" I yelled budging through the door.

I looked around to see where Scott was and then I saw from the corner of my eye a light coming from under the bathroom door. I walked over making no noise possible at all, I grabbed the knob of the door and pulled back. Scott was laying on the bathroom floor covered in blood with his arms wrapped around his waist, I rushed over as fast as I could in the short distance to Scott. I dropped to my knees terrified. Scott then looked up slowly and whispered, "behind you". I quickly raised to my feet and turned around as fast as I could. I figure around my height was facing me dead on. I could get a quite image of what they looked like due to the blurriness.

"What do you want!" I yelled.

"You're next." The anonymous person said before raising the knife and slashing down.

*gasp* I jumped up and opened my eyes to find myself in class. Scott turned around and asked if I was okay.

"It was all a dream." I was relieved.

"Yeah, you were sleeping for then minutes." Scott said.

The bell rang and I got up still shaking. I kept telling myself that it was just a dream but it felt too real. I was walking with Scott to our next class. We walked into the class and sat next to our friends. Fifteen minutes into the class and an announcement came onto the speakers.

The announcement stated "All Beacon Hill staff and students, this is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill. We are officially now on lock down."

Everyone started to look at each other questioning what was going on. No one had a clue, not even an idea. A couple hours have passed and still on lockdown. It was dark but still visible in the room.

"I want to go home." One girl said complaining.

"I need to use the bathroom." A man said after.

Everyone started to complain when the teacher finally said, "enough! I want to go home as much as you but as of now..." The teacher the froze.

I closed and opened my eyes to see clearly in the dark. I looked at the teacher and I saw someone behind him with a gun drawn to his head. I closed my eyes and a bright lights glared in from the windows. It was to bright to see. In the matter of seconds men in uniforms broke in through the windows throwing tear gas in the classroom. I tried my best to old my breath but it was too much. I then heard the yell come from Mason, then a struggle from Lydia but I couldn't hear Scott. Kira tried to fight one of the men and I got up shoving him to the ground. I felt a large pain in the back of my neck. I reached to take whatever it was out but I was too weak. I heard a faint tell from Kira "Liam!!!".

When I eventually woke up I was strapped to a metal table. I tried pulling on my chains to break but for some reason they were unbreakable. I heard a door open and footsteps walk towards me. A man in a gold mask looked down on me.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"This is only the beginning." He responded before walking over to a table full of tools.

"That doesn't tell me what's going on." I responded back.

The man didn't say anything else but "This is only the beginning."

As I tried looking over to see where the man was the light above me shining down limited my vision. I tried turning on night vision but nothing worked. It's like my "powers" just disappeared out of nowhere. The man eventually walked over and said one last time, "This is only the beginning" before grabbing a sharp object and slicing down into my flesh.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2015 ⏰

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