Chapter 3: "Study Date"

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"Thank god it's Friday." I said walking outside on my way to school.

I saw Mason walking a block up so I ran and caught up to him.

"Hey." I said mildly out of breathe.

"Hey, how are you and Scott doing?" Mason smirked at me.

"Haha, we're doing fine. I'm going to ask him if he wants to come over to help me "study." I put more emphasis in study.

"Oh I see. Is he..?" Mason stopped.

"Is he what?" I looked at Mason like I think where he's going.

"Is he gay?" Mason finished.

"No.. Well I don't know. He said he had a girlfriend who died last year." I said with less confidence in my voice.

"Oh. Sorry." Mason said.

"It's cool bro. Well I mean it's cool if he's not gay. It's not cool that his girlfriend died... Well ex-girlfriend." I said awkwardly.

Mason and I went to our classes. Nothing excited happened until the ending of last period before the bell rang which was geography.

"There will be a test next class so make sure you all study." Mrs. Martin said.

"Ugh I'm going to fail this test." Scott said unrelieved.

I overheard Scott. "Hey wanna come over, we could study if you want?" I asked Scott.

"Yeah thanks, I need the extra help." Scott let out of sign of relief.

The bell rang, Scott and I walked over to his motorcycle and rode over to my house. We walked upstairs into my room and threw our stuff onto the bed. I put my phone next to my backpack and  grabbed out my text book.

"Okay so what do you need help with?" I asked Scott looking at him in the eye.

"Uh well basically everything." Scott started to laugh.

"Okay well let's start with the geography of California." I pointed out to Scott.

"Okay." Scott smiled.

"California is geographically diverse. The Sierra Nevada, the fertile farmlands of the Central Valley, and the arid Mojave Desert of the south are some of the major geographic features of this U.S. state." I pointed out in the book.

"So geography is about the land around an area?" Scott questioned me.

"Yeah basically." I responded.

"Wow, okay I get it now. Thanks." He smiled again.

"Oh hey, excuse me for a minute. I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I walked out my room.

As I was downstairs Mason wanted to hear the latest news about how me and Scott were doing. My phone buzzed and Scott was being noisy. Scott reached over and grabbed my phone. My phone read "Message from Mason" Scott opened it. "How are you and Scott doing on that 'study date' ;)." Scott became red and smiled at the message, he then threw the phone over by my backpack and went back to reading the book. I then soon walked into the room and sat on the bed.

"So anything new?" I looked at Scott.

"No. Nothing really. Hey I have a question." Scott looked up at me.

"Yeah? Ask away." I looked back.

"Do you want to go to the movies tomorrow night?" Scott asked.

"Yeah sure." I smiled.

"Okay." Scott smiled back looking at his watch. "Oh crap! I got to get home." Scott rushed packing his stuff.

I walked Scott to the door. "See ya tomorrow."

"Good night, Liam." Scott said getting on his motorcycle.

"Night." I closed the door.

I laid against the door and smiled. I walked to my room and went to my phone. My messages were opened, it was mason's. He asked me how everything was going.

"Oh god, what if Scott read it. Maybe that's why he wants to go to the movies. Okay I have to play it cool and pretend this never happened. Maybe he didn't read, maybe I accidentally left my phone opened and it read the message." I thought to myself.

I laid down on my bed, I couldn't sleep thinking about Scott and how he might know I like him and then he'll think I'm a freak. I just sat there the whole night.

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