Chapter 1: The New Start

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It's my first year to new school and a new town after being kicked out of my last school. I was kind of nervous due to my I.E.D but then I thought I could have a new start, make some new friends and have a normal life. My friend Mason, who lived down the street, was going to Beacon Hills High School as well as I so at least I knew someone and I wasn't alone. Mason and I arrived to the school and we both looked at the school's sign.

"Do you think it'll be better than our old school?" Mason questioned me sounding worried.

"I hope so. But hey, don't think about Devenford. This is a new school, new start. C'mon Mason think positive." I explained to Mason trying to make him feel better.

"You're right. Let's get to class before we're late." Mason said walking towards the main entrance to the school.

Mason and I entered the school and walked in different directions to get to class. My first three classes were boring and nothing was worth to explain but there was this one class and that was History. The bell rang for 4th period and I walked into the classroom then looked for a seat. I found an empty seat behind Scott McCall. If you don't know who Scott McCall is you don't know what life is. He's the main jock around Beacon Hills, everyone knows who he is. I took out my textbook and notebook to take notes until I was interrupted by Scott.

"Hey, do you have a pencil I could borrow?" Scott asked.

"Yeah sure here." I handed Scott a pencil.

"Thanks." Scott smiled at me.

"Anytime." I nodded.

I couldn't believe it. He's gorgeous. I looked down at my notebook and started to think about Scott.

"Liam." Mr. Yukimuri called on me as I wasn't paying attention to the lesson.

"Huh?" I looked up confused.

I looked around to see my classmates smiling at me. Then the worse part, I heard Scott chuckle.

"Oh god." I thought to myself.

"Do you know the answer, Liam?" Mr. Yukimuri asked me again.

"Uh, n-no, s-sorry." I stuttered not knowing what's going on.

"It's George Washington, idiot." Lydia answering the question annoyed.

"Lydia that's no way to treat your fellow classmates." Mr. Yukimuri explained to Lydia.

"Sorry but he took to long and he didn't know the answer so I did the class a favor." Lydia said.

"Maybe next time Liam." Mr. Yukimuri said comforting me.

I feel like such an idiot. Honestly I knew who the first president was. I just wasn't paying attention. Now Scott probably thinks I'm dumb, great.

The bell rings and the class was dismissed.

It was now 5th period which was scheduled for lunch time. Mason and I had the same lunch period and the both of us decided to walk outside to go get something to eat. We got our food and walked around for a place to sit until I heard someone call my name.

"Liam! Over here!" A voice called from behind.

I turned around and saw Scott waving his hand. There was only room for one more person to sit there.

"Shit, I'm sorry Mason." I looked back at him.

"Dude it's fine. I know you got a thing for him. Go get 'em. Anyways I saw a couple good looking babes earlier." Mason laughed.

"Thanks man, I owe ya." I basically praised him at the moment.

I walked over to Scott and sat down.

"Hey I'm..." I was interrupted before I could introduce myself.

"We know who you are. You're that new kid, Liam." Lydia said sassy.

"You don't have to be so rude, Lydia. Hi I'm Kira." I shook Kira's hand as she put it out in front of her.

"This is Stiles. Malia, and you've obviously met Scott and Lydia." Kira introduced everyone.

"Hey." I waved shilly.

"So where are you from, Liam?" Stiles asked suspicious.

"Uh, Devenford." I answered confused.

"Ah prep school." Stiles raised his hand for a high five.

"Yeah." I laughed unsure my what was going on then gave Stiles a high five.

"Guy enough questions, make him feel like this is his home." Scott stopped everyone.

He's so nice, ugh, he's perfect. I couldn't believe it. But then I thought. Why would he ask me to sit with him?

"Hey Scott why.." Again I was interrupted by the bell.

"Sorry, can you ask me later I got to get to class." Scott sounding in a rush.

"Yeah sure." I said sounding upset.

I went to my next class and then class after that and the only topic on my mind wasn't school related but Scott. I just couldn't get him out of my mind. I've never felt like this before.

It was the end of the day and I began to walk home.

"Hey! Liam! Hold up!" Scott said catching up to me.

"Yeah?" I turned around.

"What did you want to ask me?" Scott questioned me.

"Oh don't worry about it, I forgot." I told Scott which was a lie.

"Okay. Do you mind if I walk you home?" Offered Scott.

"I don't mind, sure." I began to walk.

"I'm sorry about my friends earlier. Don't mind Lydia, last year one of our best friends and my ex-girlfriend was murdered and so was Lydia's boyfriend in the meantime
. Ever since then she hasn't been herself." Explained Scott.

"Oh my.. I'm so sorry." I said feeling horrible for what happened.

The conversation got quiet for quite some time.

"Well this is my house. Thanks for the walk." I smiled at Scott.

"Anytime. Here's your pencil." Scott smiled back.

I walked inside and threw my bag onto the couch and grabbed something to eat and watched some tv. After I was finished watching a couple hours of tv I went upstairs and got ready for bed. I went under my blanket and looked up at the ceiling and thought to myself. "Scott had a girlfriend.. Who died last year. What was I thinking of actually having a chance with him. It'll never work out between us. He's been through so much, he's so lucky to have good friends." I turned over, shut my eyes and then soon after fell asleep.

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