Chapter 5: The Kiss

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Scott's P.O.V

I feel like a total asshole for what I did last night. But I couldn't let Liam know I like him. But I finally realized that I have to man up and tell Liam the truth. Ugh, he must hate me with a passion for why I have done to him.

I got out of bed, got some clothes and walked over to Liam's house. I stood in front of his door, I took a deep breath and then knocked. Liam's dad opened the door.

"Hello? Who are you?" Liam's dad looked confused.

"Hello, I'm Scott, one of his classmates, is Liam here?" I asked politely.

"Yes, he's up in his room, here c'mon in." Liam's dad welcomed me inside.

I walked up to Liam's bedroom door and knocked.

"It's opened." Liam mumbled.

I knocked again. Liam got up opened the door. We both made eye contact. He was again shirt and pants less, only boxers.

"I don't have time to deal with your bullshit, you might as well leave because I don't want to hear what you have to say." Liam said turning away and slamming his door.

I placed my foot in the doorway to block it from shutting, I opened the door and grabbed Liam before he completely turned around. "Shut up." I pulled him closer to me by his waist, wrapped my hand behind his head and kissed Liam.

Our lips pressed against each other's and then released. Liam looked up at me and I looked down. Liam didn't hesitate and kissed me again. We started to make out and walk towards his bed, I threw him onto his bed and took off my shirt, he looked up at me standing in front of him shirtless. I laid my body on top on Liam and started to kiss him more. I started from his lips, to his neck, then down his chest. I looked up at him and he smiled, I smiled back and threw myself back up to him and started to kiss again until we were interrupted by his dad.

"I'm going to work, Liam!" His dad said about to leave.

"Okay have fun, love you!" Liam yelled back.

We both heard the door slam. "Awe does someone love daddy." I began to tease Liam.

"Yeah, you." He smiled at me and kissed me again.

I turned over and Liam laid across my chest. I grabbed my fingers and started to play with his hair.

"I can't believe you're here doing this with me." Liam said happy.

"Ever since the first day of school." I laughed.

Liam slapped my side. "So you want to play like that, huh." I smiled and got on top of him pinning him and his arm down.

Liam pushed me off and got on me. "You were saying." We both smiled and he came down, out both hands behind my head and kissed me. In the middle of our kiss I chucked. "What are you laughing about?" Liam smiled.

I grabbed Liam in a bear hug and rolled over on top of him and just laid there with my eyes shut. Liam pulled me up in a comfortable position and started to cuddle me and play with my hair. After some time it stopped I looked up and saw Liam asleep and thought "he's so adorable!" I put my head back on his chest and fell asleep as well.

About a couple hours later Liam was awaken by the door downstairs being slammed shut. "Liam I'm home!" His dad said.

"Scott wake up." I heard faintly. "Scott!" Liam said with a loud whisper and shaking me. "Get dressed! My dad's home!" I looked up and jumped out of Liam's arms, I put my pants on then my shirt. I got to the door and gave Liam a kiss. "I love you." I said before opening the door. "I love you too." Liam said hugging me, I hugged back.

I walked down the stairs. "Good night, Mr. Dunbar." I said leaving and shutting the door.

I started to walk home, I didn't live far though. It was dark outside and only saw the sidewalks because of the street lights. As I was walking I heard some noises behind me. I was only half way home until I turned around. An anonymous being came up to me and hit me with something, all I felt was a huge pain in the back of my head. I couldn't see what or who it was, I looked up, my eye sight was blurry, a foot came at me. Everything went dark.

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