Chapter 10

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I sat on the bench and looked at the view in front of me. I always knew it was quite a sight. But in the morning, when the sun was still rising, it was breathtaking.

I sat there, forgetting all of my problems. I didn't notice anyone take a seat next to me.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" someone asked, startling me.

I turned to see Liam sitting next to me, staring at the view also.

"Yeah it is."

We said not one word to each other, just staring at the rising sun.

"Do you come here often?" Liam asked me, still staring out in front of him.

"Yeah, it's one of my favorite places," I answered him honestly.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. The wind blowing through my hair. I loved the feeling of being so high up and have the city below me. It was a sense of peace.

I felt Liam's stare on me. Slowly, I opened my eyes and turned to face him.

"What?" I asked.

"Don't you think he deserves a chance to explain himself? He's not his usual bubbly self. He's all moody and can't take a joke anymore."

I immediately knew who he was talking about and where this conservation was going.

"Nope, he doesn't," he sighed at my bluntness.

"If only you hear his side of the story," he said, shaking his head.

"Everybody keeps telling me that. I'll talk to him once you tell me why," I said annoyed.

"You really don't know," he sighed, shaking his head in disbelief as if I should know what he's talking about. "He loves you Elizabeth."

"Of course he does Liam. He's told me that before," I exclaimed.

Liam sighed in frustration, "As more than a friend."

"He can never love me like that. He told me himself that all I am is a best friend and nothing more."

"How long was that? You know, people change. They don't stay the same forever. And like people, feelings change," Liam lectured me.

He hopped off the bench and left. Leaving me alone to my thoughts.

Harry can't love me as more than a friend. It'd only make things worse. But what if Liam's not telling the truth. There's only one way to find out and I have the perfect person to help me.

I came home from school with Ashley tagging along. She was going to come later on because she was coming with us to the boardwalk. After much pleading, I finally got her to agree.

It was a half day and I went to check if Jake was awake yet or not. It was nearly two o' clock and he was still fast asleep. To test out my theory, I really need him to wake up.

"Babe, wake up," I said ever so softly, lightly shaking him.

He was still asleep.

"Jake! Wake up!" I said much louder.

But he still wouldn't move.

I climbed in the bed. Jumping and yelling for him to wake up. I grabbed a spare pillow and began hitting him with it. To no avail, he wouldn't wake up.

A light snicker came from the doorway. I turned to see Ashley holding back a laugh.

"Think you can wake him?" I asked with pleading eyes.

She gave me a smug look before walking towards Jake. She bent over so her face was by his ear. Before I knew it, she had a whistle and blew it. That successfully woke him up.

"What is your problem?" he yelled at Ashley. "Have you gone mad?"

She just smiled innocently at him and left the room. When she got out, Jake turned to look at me.

"Why did you come wake me up at an unholy hour?"

"First off, two in the afternoon is not unholy. Second, I need your help," I said.

He sighed in annoyance and mumbled something about me always relying on him. He got up eventually and pointed to the door for me to leave.

I left him to change and went to look for Ashley. I found her in the rec room playing Dance Central 3. I joined her as Player 2 and to say I was winning was an understatement. I lived on this game and the moves came naturaly to me.

After playing a few songs, Jake finally came down. He playfully pushed Ashley on the sofa and took her spot.

"This is how you dance," he told her. He moved his hand to change the song and put "Starships" by Nicki Minaj. Little did he know that this song was my favorite.

We danced to the song and once we were done, Jake refused to believe I beat him. He demanded a rematch but I still beat him. He wouldn't accept the fact that he'll never beat me. Song after song, I continued to win. I grew tired of playing and knew the only way out was if he won.

"Ha! I told you I was better than you," he said, jumping around as if he won a gold medal.

"You're kidding right?" Ashley asked from the sofa. "You've been playing for over an hour and she beat you every single time."

"That's because I let her win all of those times. Isn't that right?" he turned to asked me.

"Yeah. I could never beat you," I said sarcastically, sliding my hand around his waist to give him a side hug. He chuckled and kissed the top of my head for agreeing with him.

"Now, since that's out of the way, lets go swimming because it's really hot," I said.

Jake and Ashley shrugged their shoulders and went to go change.

We ran outside and jumped in the pool. The cool water feeling, refreshing against the warm sun. We played a game of volleyball in the pool, which is more difficult than it looks. Ashley and I versus Jake and an imaginary friend.

We beat him only because it was two against one. Jake swam to our side, a mischievous smirk on his lips. He was soon in front of me and began pushing me down under water.

Ashley was my savior because she jumped on Jake's back to stop him from pretending to drown me.

An awkward cough came from the side of the pool. The three of us stopped playing and turned to see the five members of One Direction in my backyard. One by one, we got out of the pool.

"Hey," I said as I wrapped a towel around me.

A chorus of hey's and hi's came in return from the guys.

"So, who are your friends?" Niall asked.

"Oh, this is Ashley. She's my best friend in the whole world," I pointed to Ashley.

I saw the hurt in Harry's eyes but chose to ignore it.

"And this," I pointed to Jake, "is Jake. My boyfriend."


Author's Note:

I am so so so sorry I couldn't update earlier. I really wanted to but I couldn't find the time.

I had to work more often which took most of my time. My house was being partially renovated and I had to share my room with five other people for about three weeks. It was like one big, long slumber party. I couldn't find privacy to write. I just got my computer back yesterday because my brother had it for like one month to do the taxes so I couldn't type on their what I wrote so far.

Honestly, I wanted to update earlier but I couldn't. So again, SORRY :(

P.S. I bet you didn't see that coming. How do you think the guys will react. Don't forget to vote, comment and fan if you liked this chapter. That feels weird telling you to comment and vote.

P.P.S. Sorry for the long author's note. If you read this far put in the comment section that you love cupcakes. Hopefully the next update will be sooner.

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