Live Today 04-17-13

29 5 5

Why are we so power hungry

Obsessed with fame, fortune, and money

We long and weep for peace and quiet

Yet all we do is yell and riot

We want the world right in our hands

But there's only one world and million in man

Striving hard to reach the top

won't give up till our hearts stop

Why can't we just live day by day

for money isn't here to stay

and fame is nothing but filth and pay

but life is substance in which we remain

Taste the air and kiss the trees

Abandon selfishness, lust, and greed

Enjoy the Earth and all it's wonders

For it may all be lost

When you meet your eternal slumber

Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed this poem. I wrote this poem in the hopes of getting a very important message across. What the message is will be up to you to discover. I would really apreciate feedback on my writing. I am also currently working on a story which has yet to be posted so heads up for that. Thank you for your time and may the stars shine in your favor.

-She Who Spoke

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