Chapter 1~ A Beginning

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It's Liverpool 1959 , All my family ..well my mum, my older sister by 2 years who is 19"Clarabella" and my step father "Gerrard" were unpacking unlike me..

I was very sad that we had moved to Liverpool because I had left our old home where I had spent the greatest times with my father who passed away couple of years ago

this had affected me very much since he was the dearest person to me and now I have no one to talk , joke, sing , play the guitar with...I have nothing to do at all.

The relation between Clarabella and I is fine and even though we are very different in character we have managed to get along well.

She is the only one I have left after all.

I decided to take a walk thinking maybe looking at the green grass and the blueness of the sky would cheer me up, I told mum I was going to explore the neighbourhood and will be back at dinner.

I walked and wandered around ,watching the buildings and the people

It took me a few turns until I reached a park which was kind of empty and I liked that..

I am kind of used to being alone now..I went and sat on a swing that was hanging from a tree ,closed my eyes and enjoyed the soft breeze.

Suddenly some hand was placed on my back and started swinging the swing

I turned around , opened my eyes and started to yell at the boy -who seems around my age which is 17 -who was swinging me.

" STOP IT ! what do you think you are doing?! coming around and pushing me like this !!" I yelled at the boy who stood behind me then jumped off the swing and for my luck I fell on my knees

The boy tried to hold his laughter and rushed towards me offering a hand to help me stand but I refused to take it and stood up on my own then glared at him

" I sorry I didn't mean to hurt you , I just thought you are so bored and lonely so I thought about giving you a push .." he said in seriousness and I just nodded

" I'm Paul and you are? I've never seen you around before" he said while offering me his hand to shake and I accepted it this time

" I am Prudence , I've just moved here to Liverpool with my family that's wh-" before I could continue

he said " oh ! The Bradfords? " and I answered yes

" well hello my dear neighbour " he said with a smile and I just flashed him a little one back

he then excused himself saying he has to practise with his friends and I didn't bother asking what he was practising.

I said goodbye and started walking back home.

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