Chapter 15~ I'm so tired

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I feel someone shaking my arm "Prudence.. .Prudes" the voice kept calling my name

"go away! I'm so tired" I groaned but the person kept on shaking my arm and calling my name so I put the pillow over my head but then the person removed the pillow and started laughing while hitting me with it "OHMYGOD CLARABELLA STOP IT, I WANT SOME MORE SLEEP" I yelled

"NO! get up you lazy bum, I need to tell you something" she yelled back ugh I sat on bed

"what is it? It better be something important enough to wake me up" I said while yawning

"yeah well won't you ask me where me and Richie went yesterday?" she inquired and I raised an eyebrow

"Richie?! you gave him a nickname already?" she blushed and smiled

"He had to go over Rory's home to practise..and he asked me to accompany him and so I did. You should see him playing his drums, he looks very cute shaking his head with every beat!! his drumming was incredible! I had so much fun" she said excitedly then continued not giving me the chance to say anything

"Later after they were done practising, Richard asked me to go to a restaurant because he was hungry and so we did! and I enjoyed talking and joking with him very much..he's soo perfect" she squealed and I laughed

"Bella you remember that you have a boyfriend or a "future husband" as you claimed , right?" I said but she didn't reply she just looked at the ground and I was about to leave the room to go to the bathroom when she spoke up

"I don't know Prudes, I felt something different when I was with Richard. something I've never felt before, all I know is I am happy" she admitted

"You should make up your mind then and choose" I said

"but what if Richard doesn't like me back?" she asked

"well you can wait and see what happens?" I requested and she nodded

"well excuse me now I need to go to the bathroom urgently" I heard her giggle as I ran to the bathroom, I really hope Richard likes Bella..I know he will treat her right and better than stu.

I got out of the bathroom and went downstairs to the kitchen where mum was standing, I said good morning and she turned to face me

"morning honey, there's a letter for you fro-" I cut her "HAMBURG?!" I said excitedly and she nodded and handed it to me , I took it and rushed back to my room.

I opened the envelope and took out the paper revealing some illegible handwriting.

{Dear Prudence,  

(I found a new way to annoy you my dear) I'm glad you've forgiven me love, I was very drunk and angry that night but...what if I don't really regret kissing you? I mean I'm sorry I had forced you but what If I wasn't that drunk and wanted to know how those lips of yours taste like..

It's very different in Hamburg, but people like us and our songs. We're very tired we barely get any sleep.We either having a gig or writing songs. I've even learnt a bit of Deutsch and might write a song in Deutsh.  

That's it so far, so tell me how's it going in Liverpool? and er Is Anna still sticking with that Devin?

P.S My favourite colour is green so I don't mind it really ,Plus I loved that green tshirt you were wearing at the airport ..with your blond hair flying with the wind. I have that picture mesmerized in me head.

PPS Paul says he er..misses you and that he is sending you the souvenir he promised soon. ( I bet it's some stinky crap)

PPPS EW don't try to draw again , my doodles are much better..Just kidding love.  

-JohnLennon }

I was smiling crazily and blushing slightly while reading his letter,I could feel the butterflies flying in my stomach. I even read it more than once and I was still smiling. I got out a paper and my green crayon again.

{Hello there, 

(I regret telling you that dear annoys me) er so what did it taste like then? and did you forget that you are dating my friend sir? Well yeah Anna is still Devin's friend.. 

Don't you write her?

I'm glad to know that you're doing good in Hamburg, and you should teach me Deutsch then. I wish I could be there to watch you but I think the food there isn't good enough so no thank you.

I met some guy and we became friends, he's really nice and funny. I really enjoy my time with him. and guess what?He's a drummer in his band.

P.S thank you. 

PPS Tell Paul I miss him more and that he better writes me.I can't wait for his souvenir (I bet it will be awesome unlike you and your doodles). }

I drew a girl sticking her tongue out at the bottom.

I finished my letter and went to put it in the mailbox. then there was a knock on my back, I turned

"oh hey Richard!" I said with a smile

"hey Prudes ,Is Bella ready yet? I told her I'll pick her up at 12" he asked while smiling back at me but before I could answer Bella came out

"Hello Richie" she greeted him with a great smile and so did he

"Well we'll see you later Prudes" Bella said and I nodded and didn't bother asking where they were going. I know Bella will tell me everything in detail later.

I spent most of the day watching tv, listening music,reading,and eating. 

ahh such a peaceful day.

Every time I think that , something happens to ruin my day. Around half past 6 Bella arrived home crying her heart out.

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