Chapter 39~ I just don't understand

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A/N→ First, I wanna thank you all for reading this and for your lovely comments which made me wanna write again and FINALLY THE NEW CHAPTER YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR IS HERE, I'm sorry for taking that long but I've been editing the old chapters

I hope that this was worth the wait, there are many shocking events in this chapter so tell me which part surprised you the most and which part you liked the most♥


15 Feb→

I woke up surprisingly early and found myself in the same beige dress from yesterday which is really disgusting. I'm in a serious need for a shower

I looked around and since I was alone I had to depend on myself so I sat up slowly and carefully but noticeably my back didn't hurt so much so I decided to stand up which took me about 2 minutes but that's not bad.

I started walking slowly while straightening my back until I reached my clothes bag which was placed on the ground.

I considered bending to pick it up and actually started to do so but I could feel every bone in my spine hurting me

I tried to go on but I couldn't

I walked out of the room to look for Paul to help me changing

"and the princess finally shows up!" John said loudly "without her wheelchair! such a rebellious princess" he exclaimed making me laugh

"I juat don't really need it! I can walk with ease, I just can't bend so I can't reach my  clothes bag so I need help- " I was saying while directing my words at Paul but before I could even continue , he muttered something about buying guitar strings then left

"oh.." I said awkwardly but before I could even find the courage to ask another boy to help me changing my clothes, John carried me back into mine and Rich's room , locked the door then placed me on a chair

"what do you need help with then?what can't you reach?" he asked

"My clothes bag, I really need some fresh clothes please" I told him and he started fiddling with my clothes, I bet that would annoy Paul

After a lot of fidgeting, he finally gave me a short simon dress and thank god he didn't forget my underpants,

he helped me standing up and started unzipping my dress but I slapped his hands

"what? I'm trying to help you here and that's what I get but fine I promise you I won't look" he said with a smirk then continued with the zipper while staring at my body so I slapped his hands again

"John!" I exclaimed

"It's nothing I haven't seen before dear" he said, his smirk never leaving his face which made me blush

but at least he saved me from the embarrassment of asking him to undress me

he slipped my dress while looking directly into my eyes like Paul but John's eyes were full of lust and surprisingly I felt the same way so I leant closer and he did the same then he closed the gap between us and brought his lips to mines

I didn't know how much I wanted to kiss him again until this moment, I needed him to comfort and please me

I was so lost in the moment that I haven't noticed that he picked me up and placed me on my bed until my back was laid down with John on top of me with his hands roaming around and caressing my body

That's when a knock on the door interrupted us

"John, There's a call for you" Richard called from outside

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