Ring Ring

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I was officially freaked out. Someone had heard me, then waited until I was in the shower to come in and write on the mirror.

And how did they know I didn’t have superpowers?

Did they have something to do with the weird stuff that was happening?

I was even more scared now, because if they did, then they weren’t an ordinary person.

I backed out of the bathroom, my eyes darting around. I wasn’t stupid though. All the people in horror films run from the corners of the room because the person might be hiding there. Then, though, they’re in the middle of the room, and the person sneaks up behind them. So instead, I clutched my towel to me and pressed myself in the corner, surveying the entire room carefully. Deciding nothing was weird, I moved on to the other rooms.

I found nothing, so I decided the person had left the house.

I was shaking, though.

Someone had been in my house?

I got dressed quickly, hardly daring to make a sound. The entire time, I bit my lip nervously, and deep in thought.

What should I do in this situation?

Should I tell someone?

I smacked my palm against my forehead. Of course, dumb ass! Call the police! I stood, undecided, by the phone until I realised that this person had entered my house without permission. They could have stolen something! As it was, they were breaking and entering.

I picked up the phone and called them.


“So you’re sure you didn’t see anyone, Miss Rogers?”

“No, I was in the shower, and the screen’s opaque.” I replied, nervously fiddling with the hem of my shirt.

“Ok. Could be take a look at the message?” The officer asked me. He was nice. He’s immediately reassured me that I was safe, and that I was right to call.

“Of course. I don’t know if it’ll be there still though.” I replied, getting up and leading him through to the bathroom. When we got there, the mirror was normal and dry. I bit my lip, but he smiled.

“Don’t worry, let me try something.” He said, patting my arm reassuringly, before moving past me to turn on the shower.

He stepped out of the bathroom and motioned for me to follow before closing the door.

“This will let some steam build up, and maybe the message will be visible again.” He said, smiling calmly at me.

I nodded and stared at the floor.

“Sorry, I didn’t ask, did you want a drink or something?” I asked nervously, unsure of the proper etiquette for dealing with police officers in your home.

“Actually, some water would be nice. It’s pretty hot today and the uniform wasn’t exactly made for cooling ability.” He said smiling again. I nodded and walked to the kitchen to get the water.

When I returned, he gulped down the water and thanked me, before turning to the bathroom door. When he opened it, steam billowed out in huge clouds, and I could hardly see the bathroom.

He stepped inside and turned off the shower. When we examined the mirror, to my relief, the message remained, if slightly less clear.

He examined it, and then looked at the sink below the mirror.

“Did you put this here?” He asked me, gesturing to a rolled up piece of toilet paper. I shook my head. “In that case, I think this was used to write it.”

He looked at it, and then turned to me sympathetically.

“Unfortunately, there won’t be fingerprints on the mirror, and this has been ruined.” He said as he gestured to the damp paper, which was melting from the steam. “So, we won’t be able to identify who it was.”

I nodded, looking down at the floor, feeling more than a little scared.

“If anything weird happens, you call the police immediately. Call first, ask questions later, okay?” He said, and I nodded.

“Thanks for coming.” I said quietly.

“No problem, Miss Rogers. Sorry there’s not much I can do.” He smiled sympathetically and I smiled back.

He left and I sat by the door before wandering up to my room, keeping my back to the wall.

Once I got there, I jumped and screamed when I saw movement. Then I slapped myself on the forehead when I realised it was my reflection. I went to examine myself in the mirror, and decided I looked far too powerless and scared for someone who (potentially) had superpowers. Then I looked up at the post-it on my mirror.

“I promise I won’t hurt you. I didn’t mean to scare you in your shower, and I swear, I didn’t look ;) ”

The Yellow House- Editing (New Chapters Added In)Where stories live. Discover now