The Plan

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"Hey, it's me, Kiwi. I was just wondering if you wanted to come over for a while." I said, trying to sound confident. I think the devious feeling I had achieved the effect I wanted, because his voice rumbled through the phone almost instantly.

"I'd love to! Who else is invited?" Darren replied enthusiastically.

"Oh, well actually I'm not in the mood for a big group, and I just wanted to see you." I said, scrunching my eyes shut and biting my lip waiting for his reply. There was a slight pause.

"Well, sure!" His reply was happy, and I coulodn't help doing a silent fist-pump. "Shall I come over now?"

"Yeah, as soon as you can."

"Okay, I'll see you soon, Kiwi." He said, and the line went dead. I jumped around the room happily. I was ecstatic that my plan was working, but I knew that to Leo (who was probably watching) I'd just look like I was thrilled to see Darren.

After I checked my reflection again, making sure I looked just right, I went downstairs to put together some snacks. Soon there was a knock at the door. I grinned and skipped to the door, throwing it open.

Darren was leaning against the railing of my front porch. I tilted my head to the side, appraising his appearance. He really was very... sexy. There was no other way to say it. He wasn't cute, he was hot. His dark eyes smoldered, and everything from his defined features to his posture made my mouth water. His hand ran through his dark hair, and I wondered how it's feel to run my hands through it. I'd never considered him in terms of dating because when we met I really liked Kyle, but I'd always seen how hot he was. I'd have to have been blind to miss it.

He smiled a small smile, and it crept across his lips. Even the way he smiled was sexy. Wow. I was starting to think 'to hell with the plan' and just jump him because I wanted to, when I thought about Leo. My heart ached a little as I remembered his smile. It was just as sexy as Darren's, and he didn't even try. 

"Kiwi?" Darren said, moving away from the railings with a concerned look.

"OH, sorry, yeah. Hi." I said, smiling warmly at him and gesturing to come inside. He did, and turned to me.

"So, what're we doing today?" He asked, still smiling.

"Well, I know you play guitar really well, and I was wondering if you could teach me some songs. I thought it'd be good to learn some more challenging ones, and maybe a little different to my usual taste." I said, looking down. "But if you don't want to we can watch a movie, or go out or-"

"I'd love to teach you some stuff!" He said, excitement sparkling in his eyes. "But you're just as good as me- maybe better. Will you teach me some songs too?" 

"Of course." I said, smiling, and gestured upstairs to my room.

"After you." He said, bowing theatrically. I giggled, and ran up the stairs, him following closely behind me. 


Darren was a great teacher. It probably helped that I already played pretty well, but I'd learned three songs in an hour. To my surprise, I liked them, even though they were a pretty different type of music than I usually listened to.

Then we'd made some late lunch, which had failed spectacularly. He instead suggested getting take out pizza and baking a cake. We had the pizza while watching TV, then got started on the cake. My kitchen was spattered with flour and other ingredients, and the cake was lopsided. It was also kind of small, but that was because most of the ingredients went all over us and the kitchen than in the mixture. Then we ate more than we put in the tin. 

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