༜Chapter 1༜

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Authors Note: I would like to dedicate this Fanfiction to:
-lawley , for her kindness and awesomeness :3. And the picture I put is how Willow looks like :).

The sound of sirens roared as I ran into a dark ally between 2 apartments, trying to get away from the police.

"SHE RAN TOWARDS THAT DIRECTION!" I heard a man yell out. A police.

I was in my living room talking with my older sister Katie.

"YOUR THE REASON WHY MOM AND DAD DIED!" Katie yelled while crying.

"No...Katie...calm down, mom and dad died in a car accident last week. It had nothing to do with me." I said as I tried to calm my older sister down.

She was 2 years older than me ,and next week she was going to turn 20.

All of a sudden, Katie laughed. "Y-You really think that?! Wow!" She then fell on her knees and started to cry.

  You see, she was mentally ill which means her brain doesn't work right and she starts to imagine things that are not really happening and stuff.

I slowly bent down and hugged her. She has been through a lot lately. First the constant bullying at school and now this? She needs help immediately.

This has never happened before so I didn't know what to do except to give her, her pills.

"Katie. Do you want to feel better?" I asked, with a calming tone. I let go of her to she her face. She smiled. A smile that kinda reminded me of Laughing Jack.

"I already do." She said. What does she mean by that? Oh no....I've seen this happen a lot on TV and it never ends well.

"Sis, I really love you. Please don't do anything. Let me help you and you will feel better in no time. Okay? Just let me help you Katie. I love you." I said as I pulled her into an other hug, hoping my plan would work.

  "DONT TOUCH ME!" Katie yelled out and pulled back. "Katie, it's okay. Just calm down." I said, worried.

  Katie's eyes then moved to the right. At her right, there was a small coffee table and on top of it was a phone. She reached out  for it.

  "Wait! No!" I cried out and tried to grab the phone before she did. I was worried about who she was going to call.

    She grabbed the phone. "Wait!" I pleaded but she didn't listen.

  She dialed a number and put the phone on her ear. Katie then moved her free hand behind her and pulled out a gun.

  'Where on Earth did she get that?!' I thought.

  She pointed the gun at me. "H-Hello? Yes, m-my sister has gone crazy! She is going to kill me!" Katie said.

  "What?! No! Please put the gun down!" I panicked.

  Katie then pointed the gun at the apartment ceiling at pulled the trigger. Boom! 

  A scream from a room above us filled the air.

  "9826 Star Town Meadow Lane, Manhattan, New York 99462." Katie said while crying. She just said our address. Oh no...

  The police station was 3 blocks away! How was I going to explain?! Katie was still crying so she seemed very believable.

Suddenly, Katie raised the gun down and pointed it at me. She then put the phone on the floor. "Hope you enjoy the after life! Punishment- I mean." She smirked.

My eyes were wide open. Tears were streaming down my face. "Katie...put down the gun." I said, calmly. Even though I was freaking out.

  "Let me think...No!" Katie said and immediately pointed the gun at her head and pulled the trigger.


  I screamed and started to cry. My sister just killed herself. I looked at her lifeless body and pulled her on my and hugged her tight. Katie was the only family I had left and now she is gone.

  Blood dripped off on her head and onto my hand.

  I took the gun from her hand and all of a sudden, the front door broke open.

  I turned around and my eyes flew wide open. There was about 10 police men all pointing guns at me.

  "Put down the gun and put your hands up!" One of them yelled.

   "I-I. This is not what your thinking!" I panicked.

   "PUT THE GUN DOWN MA'AM!" He yelled again.

  I put down the gun, put my lifeless sister back on the floor, lift my hands up and slowly stood up.

All of a sudden, a man around my age shot behind me. He shot at a large window. And it broke completely. God...what do they put in those bullets?

  "Nick!" The man who yelled at me yelled at Nick who shot the window. All the police men looked at Nick.

   I took this as a chance to try to escape. I quickly turned around and dashed to the window.

  "NO! GET HER!" The man yelled as shoots fired at my direction.

--End of  Flashback--

  I kept on running in the dark ally as the full moon shined above me.

The ally then opened up to a Target parking area.

  The police were too far away to see me due to the darkness so I took this as a chance.

   I dashed to the farthest car I could see which looked like a large bus.

  I reached the bus and tried to open the door. Luckily, the door opened. I stepped in and quickly closed the door.

It was dark and I didn't dare to turn on the lights since that could help the cops find me.

  I tried to find a place to hide. I bumped into things several times but nothing fell or broke.

  All of a sudden, the bus door opened and voices filled the air.  "Ashton, turn on the lights."

My eyes opened wide and I quietly ran to the closest room, which was the bathroom.

I quickly got in the tub and laid down, trying not to make a loud noise.

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