Chapter One

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What is hope and why do people still believe in such foolish niativty?

People turn to religion when they have nothing else to lose, they fall in the hands of ill calculation because they believe that they still have hope and yet with every wish that they have hope and protection it is shown to be s lie or rather a fictional fantasy.

The young couple that were now staring at their new born daughter with awe was proof that hope could be such a beautiful tragedy. The young couple had escaped their unhappy lives to be together, they believed love held no boundaries and once they were free from the restrictions and suffocation so both of their lives beseeched upon them they would both be happy.

Their hope for that was seen to be futile especially when their newborn daughter was born. In the early stages of their daughters life their had been...complications, their hope for ever being happy was beginning to thaw out and desperation began to creep in.

The night of their child's birth would have been such a beautiful, life changing event if they had not just been performing such a sinful act. They broke against their religion to pledge their allegiance to Satan. Why did they do that? Because Satan gave them a deal that sounded way to good to be true, and it was because even the most possible possibilities all have a downfall in the end.

"Elizabeth what do we do?" John, the man who was staring down at their wiggly daughter after a few moments of silence. It wasn't until their babies cries filled the once quiet room did they realise they had just made the biggest mistake of their lives.

"I don't know John, but we will work it out." Elizabeth said, her voice filled with foolish amount of hope. Their biggest enemy.

Suddenly, Their daughter began to cry. "Shh," John whispered before scooping their child up and rocking her back to forth. "We will be okay, I know we will." He lied in such a soothing voice that it could have been seen as the truth. If it hadn't of been for the slight shudder of his right brow.

Elizabeth stepped back and stared at her husband and daughter, she believed her husbands words with such sincerity that she almost forgot about the problem at hand.

"Look El, she's smiling." Astonishment rang out in the quiet room, the smell of fresh paint slightly apparent in the air. "Yes she is." Elizabeth praised, her hand stroking back the dark strands on the babies head.

"She's going to be so beautiful when she's older." Elizabeth said while studying the now calm baby. "Just like her Mummy." John said with a prideful smile.

A little while later John placed their sleeping baby down in her new cot and stepped away. "Let's get you to bed El, you're probably so exhausted."

"You're right," Elizabeth heaved with a sigh, the twinkle in her eyes transforming to that of exhaustion as her motherly guard tucked itself away for the night.

"We love you." They said in unison  while standing at the entrance of the nursery door,  the bedroom light flickering off and the stars around the room began to twinkle and play a lullaby that aided in their child's sleep.

The door shut with a soothing click, the sound of feet retreating being the only loud noise made before the sound of a window opening erupted in the newborns nursery, allowing a stranger with such a penetrating gaze to enter.

The couple were so caught up in feigning for hope that they forgot to secure the safety of their newborn daughters room, the window had been left open and that  allowed a stranger to enter.


As promised I was working on revising Anathema as I said it didn't seem good and it was all jumbled and messy so here it is the revised version!

I hope you all like it!

- Selena x

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