Chapter Ten

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James climbed into the shower, the heat of the shower causing steam to compress against the mirror in his luxurious bathroom. While James was in the shower Harry waited on the other side of the curtain. Harry had so many things planned for today but there was so little time.

'Patience,' Harry hissed to himself. 'You can always have a little more fun when you kill him tomorrow.'

"I'm Henry the eighth I am!" James bellowed, his voice cracking slightly. The song that he was singing was foreign to Harry. However, due to James horrendous attempt at singing it he couldn't help but laugh. At that moment James froze from  placing the shampoo bottle down on the shelf next to his head, "Who's there?" He asked, his voice echoing in the room.

The whole room remained quiet, the only noise being created was the soft pitter patter of the water hitting the drain. James let out a shriek when the shampoo in his hair dripped into his eyes, instantly blinding him. He felt like a wounded animal, someone was in his house and now he was at their mercy due to his stupid head and shoulders shampoo getting in his eyes.

Blindly reaching for his sponge James dabbed at his eyes gently, not knowing that Harry had covered the sponge in soap. Yet again, James let out a shriek of pain. This pain was exhilarating to him! Throwing the contaminated sponge behind him James tilted his head back, he used his hands to soothe his aching eyes.

The pain was slowly easing so James hesitantly opened his eyes, his eye sight was blurry though, so he could only see faint blobs of the ornaments in front of him. However, in front of him stood two pairs of dark green eyes. James squeezed his eyes shut again. "It's just the soap James ." He said to himself.

"Oh yes, just the soap." Harry replied back, his voice mixing in with an American accent in order to pretend to be James.

"Okay, who's there?" James yelled, he attempted to open his eyes again but they were still blurry, he couldn't make out a single thing and he really didn't want to leave the shower when he was stark naked and there was an intruder in the house.

James waited patiently for a response but he received none. Biting his lip, he bent down and relied on one of his sixth senses to aid him on finding his sponge that he threw. Once found, he felt against the wall until he found the shelf where he kept his body wash and lathered his sponge with body wash. He opened his eyes slowly and rather gently, this time he only felt a slight sting and his eyes were clearer but still blurry so he closed them again.

Moving the sponge in a circular motion, James washed his whole body. Mid way, he felt his body begin to heat up. Gasping in pain he stepped back, his instant thought was that the cold water had ran out because of all the hocus pockas going on. For the last time he opened his eyes and screamed.

The water was red.

His hands were red.

His body was red.

The water was no longer water, it was blood.

James had been bathing in someone's blood.

James tripped on his own feet when stumbling out of the bath, he pulled on the shower curtain causing it to break away from the hooks on the ceiling and to tumble on the floor. Hastily, James pulled on some boxers. James was still screaming and panting, and the water was still running. He hadn't realised that Harry was standing behind him laughing.

James looked up to see if he had blood on his face, his hand swiping away the steam that had condensed on the mirror, leaving a faint smear of red on the mirror. All of a sudden James froze, there stood behind him was Harry. However, to him he didn't look like Harry, Harry in James eyes didn't have the Curley brown hair or green eyes. In James version Harry had tattered and pealed skin and yellow teeth. His face set in a sadistic grin.

When James turned around though, Harry was gone. James reluctantly faced the mirror again. Behind him was clear and the water was running but it was clear again, on the mirror there was writing.

"You're next."

Instantly James began to panic, his feet moving to escort him out of the bathroom, his eyes glancing around the hallway as he raced towards his office for the phone to call the police. He stopped however when he saw more writing smeared across the wall in messy red writing.

"You'll pay."

James breathing escalated.

He changed direction and scrambled towards his bedroom, he was going to hurry towards his bedroom and change into his clothes for work.


James stopped, he was left panting. That word was printed diagonally, the blood dripping onto his white tiles. He couldn't understand how he was a sinner. In James eyes he was a good man, he donated to charity, he fed people, he even helped the homeless for Christ sake!

James fell to his knees, his eyes staring at the words. All around him there was words.





And finally,

"You'll die."


I have a blog if anyone is interested! :)

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