chapter 5

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Naveya's p.o.v

I opened my eyes, and was met by white sheets, when did I change my sheets.
I turned around and saw the space next to me was empty, but someone definitely slept there cause I don't roll around in my sleep.

Where am i?

I got up, instantly regretting it cause my whole body was sore, I looked around and saw that there was a note on the nightstand along with a sum of money.

I picked up the note and read it.

Thanks for an amazing night.

Wait what

I tried to remember what happened last night, I didn't drink much so there should be no reason as to why I can't remember what happened. All I remember was dancing with Camila then being pulled out t- oh my fucking gosh, I slept with Justin Bieber.

By the time I hurriedly my clothes on, I was sweating, cause I have no idea what the hell I was going to do. 'Thanks for the amazing night'. How the fuck cant I remember what we did, what I did. I know we had sex cause my body was sore, but I wouldn't willingly have sex with someone on the first day I meet them, even if your Justin fucking Bieber. God I am in so much trouble.

I called Camila cause I don't know how I got here, and where my car is, but im guessing it was in his car of course.

"Hello" Camila spoke, sounding tired, or hung up

"Uh, yea... um.. Camila did you take my car home last night?" I asked her through the phone

"Yea, but I couldn't drive because I was drunk, so Trey drove me home"

"So where's my car" I asked to quickly.

"It's here, uh where are you, I didn't see you for the rest of the night"

Shit now she going to bother me forever, if she found out I slept with Ju....

"Hello, you there".

"Yea, um, something happened last night, can you come pick me up" I asked, hoping she said yes

"Yea, where are you". I have no idea, where I'm at, but I do know it's a hotel

"I'm gonna call you back to give you the address, but please start driving now" and with that I hung up

I made sure I grabbed everything that was mine, including the note, but left the money, cause I'm no gold digger, nor am I to... ugh whatever.

I made my way to the elevator, and went to the receptionist desk, to ask what hotel this was. When she gaved me the name, and address, I called Camila and gaved it to her

"Okay first of all, I'm gonna ask what the hell you're doing at a hotel, and second you're gonna tell me who you was with, at this hotel" Camila said as soon as I got in the car

"Please, not now, I'll tell you later, just please take me home. I want to go to take a shower" I said leaning back on the seat.

"Whatever" I heard her mumble under her breath

When she reached my house I took no time from going inside and hopping in the shower.

I grabbed some body wash and rubbed it all over my body as I let the water rinse my body cleaned. I tried to gain some memory of what exactly went down last night, I know we had sex, but I can't remember what we did, and how did he get me out that club anyway.

When I was done taking a shower, I took some pills because I had a headache and my body was hurting, has it been that long since I had sex. I went to the living room to see that Camila was watching tv.

"You okay" I asked going to the refrigerator to get a bottle of water, and a snack.

"Yea... Just curious is all" she replied back

"About what" I asked taking a seat next to her on the couch.

"Aren't you going to tell me What happened last night" She said, turning around in the couch so she faced me. Damn, I thought she would've forget, but who am I kidding, she never forgets stuff like this.

I really didn't want to tell her, cause this was something serious, I didn't have sex with just anyone.

"Well" She said, waiting for me to tell her. Ugh, I might as well. I tell her everything, plus she could help me.

"I slept with Justin bieber" I whisper mumbled under my breath.

"I'm sorry what"

I sighed "I said, I slept with Justin bieber"

I thought she was going to scream, and jump all over me like she always do when I tell her something like this, but instead she was quite, with her mouth hinging open, staring at me with wide eyes.

"Hello" I said, waving my hand in her face, she didn't even blinked. "Flies are gonna go in your mouth miss" I said hoping she would snap out of her daze, but nothing.

I got up about to go in the kitchen, when she screamed

"Oooohhhhh mmmmyyyyy gosssshhhhh" she yelled running over to me

"You slept with Justin bieber, the Justin bieber" I said the same thing too

"Are you trying to make the whole world know, I'm sure people in China could hear you" I said laughing, making my way over back to the couch after I grabbed something from the refrigerator.

"Please tell me your lying" She said walking behind me and sitting down close to me after I sat down.

"Believe me if you want"

"Tell me everything that happened"
Even I don't remember.

"I don't know, I guess I drunk to much, I don't really remember all the details" I told her

"But you didn't drink a lot with me. Did you drink with him" she asked, looking confused and then her eyes became wide as if she remembered something.

"Wait, so thats why I couldn't find you after I went to get Trey. You was with him". Now it was my turn to be confused. Then it hit me. I was a little drunk but I remembered he pushed me into a corner than left, he came back minutes later and made me drink 5 shots. Omg he got me drunk so he could have sex with me.

Putting my head in my hands, I literally cursed myself for going in the club in the first place. If I didn't, none of this wouldn't have happened, at least if I remembered, it would make it a little better, but I don't and that is the worst part.

"You okay" Camila asked

"Yea, im fine, just gone go lay down" I told her not even in the mood to continue this conversation anymore.

"Are you staying over or going home" I asked as I got up off the couch.

"Yea, I'll stay here for a while, then go home, but this conversation isn't over" she said making herself comfortable on the couch. Of course it isn't I said to myself walking to my room.

Flashbacks for the sex scene in justin part of view will be coming soon.

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