Chapter 6

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Nevaya p.o.v

Its been 3 days since the thing that happened with Justin Bieber. I have been thinking about it a lot because it just seems so surreal. I haven't seen him anymore or heard about him, not that i was expected to. I've seen comments on instagram, about him taking a girl to a hotel, they were also pictures, but thank goodness you couldn't see my face.

I went to work this morning, and now I was helping Camila move in with me. I asked her to because first we wasn't spending enough time together due to working and secondly, why live apart when we could see each other everyday, plus my place was bigger than hers.

"so are you going to confront Justin about what he did" Camila asked

"what do you mean"

"well he used you, and I know you don't like to get used, especially like that".

"just forget about it okay, iv'e been used by a famous celebrity, who cares". I cared, but I didn't want Camila to keep worrying about it or bringing it up every second of the day.

"you do". She said, stopping what she was doing, walking over to me and sitting on the bed.

"can you let this go please, lets just hope i don't run into him, okay"

Iv'e been thinking a lot about that, what would happen and what I would do if I was ever to run into him. But little did I know that it was going to be sooner than I thought.

I haven't told anyone about what happened with me and Justin, except my best friend. and I really don't plan on telling anyone either, not like I had anyone to tell.

I also try not to think about it sometimes either. the fact that iv'e been used by a celebrity kills me, and I don't want Camila to know that, but it does. I mean she knows that it does because she knows me really well, but I try to hide that it doesn't. I mean why would a celebrity want to fuck someone like me, and how could someone be so cruel as to just fuck someone and leave them money, like if they was a prostitute, and I know damn well i'm not. it just hurts.

"uh.. Nevaya you okay" Camila asked. gosh i didn't even realized that i had zoned out. To many things going on in my head right now.

"yea, i'm fine" i replied.

"ill be back", i said walking away to go grab a drink.


After we finished fixing and putting away Camila things in the guest room, we went out to eat.

We decided to walk instead of driving so we could talk and enjoy the fresh air. We went to one of our favorite restaurants, La Jones. They make the best burgers and mac and cheese ever. Going inside we took a seat in one of the booths facing the window. This place wasn't expensive but it wasn't cheap either.

After ordering our food and drinks, they brought it to us about ten minutes later.

Me and Camila had finish eating and we just sat there, bellys full and going through our phones.

"Tell me something" she said, making me look up from my phone and at her.

"What" I said

"Was it good"

"Was what good" I asked confused.

"Having sex with Justin Bieber" she said with a smile on her face. Omg

"I don't know" I really didn't know, I was drunk, I don't even remember what went down, let alone how it felt.

I heard the door open and immediately people started whispering. I didn't pay no mind to it and continued being on my phone.

"Oh my gosh, ney, isn't that-" Cam started, I didn't even let her finish her sentence before I turned around, instantly regretting it. On the other side of the restaurant was none other than Justin Bieber. After I saw him I turned around so quick I thought my neck was going to snap.

He wasn't alone though, next to him was sitting a girl, I don't know who she is but I'm guessing his date. On the other side was a boy, and he also had a girl with him. What is this, a double date

Suddenly I felt nauseous, I couldn't believe I was in the same place as the person who took advantage of me.

I didn't know what to do at that moment, I didn't want to get up and get risked getting seen.

So we sat there, we sat there until they left. Cam was against the whole thing and said I should face this situation, but after pleading and pleading, she agreed to stay with me.

My back was facing him and Cam was telling me everything that was happening, from when he was eating to when he got up, went to the bathroom and came back. I know its weird but I wanted to know since I couldn't turn around. Unfortunately he kept looking at Cam as if he recognized her and Cam had to put her face in her hands just in case.

I was going to face him, ask him why he did what he did, but I wasn't ready yet, I wasn't ready to know the answer, even though I did.

We stayed there for about another 30 minutes, it felt like forever because I wasn't able to do anything, except be on my phone and talk to Cam.

Finally he was leaving. And the biggest mistake I made was look at him as he walked out the door. I thought he wouldn't look back but I was wrong when he did and our eyes met. My breath got caught in my throat, and I felt like I was going to faint as a smirk made its way onto his face. He winked at me and left. So he does recognize me, The fucking bastard.

I've read about him on the internet and heard his songs, they are good, but I'm not gonna say im a fan. In his pictures he is very handsome and his hair and eyes are just.. but to see him in person, I have to admit, Justin Bieber is one sexy son of a bitch.


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