Chapter 8

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Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, fuck fuck fuck, What the hell is he doing here.

Turning my chair around so I was facing my mirror, I tried calming my beating heart. He's not suppose to be here. It was just two days ago when I saw him at the restaurant, and now I'm like so close to him. I think I'm going to die.

Mrs Tiana had came out of her office and was talking to them. I don't know who the girl is but I hope I don't get her.

"This is Erica, she will be your stylist for today" yes, yes yes

I knew the way I was facing was unprofessional, everytime a customer came in, we are suppose to be standing next to our station, just in case they was coming to you. But I was sitting down, and my back facing the door.

Mrs tiana was gone and the girl was sitting in Erica's chair. Justin was on his phone, head down, thank goodness he didn't recognize me. Yet. I was looking at them through the mirror though.

Minutes later the bell ringed again, and another customer came in, I don't know who she is also. Did I forget to mention that there was other people working in this salon also, not only me and Erica.

Mrs Tiana came out her office again to greet the customer. I don't think she is a celebrity, not that I would know, I'm not really into the life of them. I was still sitting on my chair when I heard footsteps walking towards me.

"Hey there love" the voice spoke, I immediately froze in my seat, It had to be him, there wasn't any other male in here. I was not ready to talk to him yet.

Turning around in my seat, I looked at him and he had a smile on his face. Cute damn bastard.

"Hi, can I help you" I said

"You don't know who I am" he asked, now with a smirk on his face.

"Your Justin Bieber" I said nonchalantly. I didn't wanna show off how I was really feeling or for him to know that I remember what we did.

I really want this day to be over with, I just wanna go home, eat a bowl of icecream and snuggle on my comfy bed.

"Mhm" was all he said as he continued to look at me, ok then, this isn't awkward at all.

He stood there for a good two minutes, us just staring at each other as if there wasn't no one around us. I knew people was looking at me. I mean this is Justin Bieber for goodness sakes. He was every girls dream I suppose, not that he was mines. I turned my head to see that Erica was looking at us with a mad face. Huh, mad its not you he talking to, too bad. I said to myself.

"Soooo" I drawed out the o, chuckling a little bit. "Is there something I can help you with" I asked starting to feel a little uncomfortable. Don't get me wrong, Justin Bieber is one handsome man, his smile will make your heart flutter, and when I looked in his eyes, I felt like I could get lost in it.

He continued looking at me, not answering my question. Then he licked his pink lips oh gosh, they look so soft. "Nothing, nothing at all baby girl " he said before walking away from me and walking outside.

Baby girl, did he really just called me that, and what the hell is wrong with me talking about his lips like that.

Finally feeling like I could breath from feeling suffocated from him standing so close to me, I decided to go to the back to get something to drink.

Getting off my seat, I shot Erica a glare as she was still looking at me, but this time with a disgust and hateful face, oh well bitch, get out your feelings. I also shot a glance at everyone else that was looking at me, not even bothered by their stares.

Reaching the break room, I grabbed a bottle water, sitting down and taking a drink. I tried to think about that night, even though I told myself that it was best to forget it, but the way he was looking at me in there made me feel like I satified him in a way. And how am I suppose to forget if I keep seeing him.


"He called you what" Cam started laughing. " oh my gosh Ney and what did you do" she asked me.

"Nothing, I didn't know what to do" I said.

I was home now, currently on the couch in the living room, eating icecream, while watching tv with Cam. Yes I told her what happened.

"I literally wanna be there when you guys see each other" she said, turning around to face the t.v

"You really do not. It was so awkward, and everyone was looking at us"

"Are you not gonna confront him about what he did " Cam asked

To be honest I don't know how I am going to confront him, every where he goes there is paparazzi, I couldn't tell if there was any outside cause the windows are tinted so people don't see who's inside the salon. "I don't know " I said truthfully. I know it's going to be hard to do so, I'll have to get him alone somewhere private.

"Well you better figure it out before people find out what happened"

I knew she was right, if people found out, my life will literally be over. I had no choice.

We continued to talk about what happened, and I feel like everytime his name is mentioned and I talked about how I was feeling when I was closed to him made me want to be close to him again. What is wrong with me.


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