Chapter Four : My Daughter, My life.

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Kale's POV


I strolled back into our bedroom casually after my early morning run during the early winter season, to see my wife; Staci, sleeping peaceful while lightly snoring with a few strands of her blonde hair sprawled across her angelic face, truly the definition of beauty.

I just can't help but smile with glee as this beautiful creature is indeed mine, the moment is soon lost as a flood of mischievous thoughts infiltrate my mind. I casually walk across the room to our matrimonial bed, I slowly slip onto the bed trying to make as little noise as possible while I caress your face, slowly removing any hay that I deemed as intruding on my view. I then start trailing soft kisses on the lope of your ear, making sure to ever so often slightly graze my teeth on it, before I begin my decent along your jaw bone, while of course making a stop at those plump pink lips of her which she instinctively begins nibbling on her bottom lip, as if sensing my presence. I smirk at my bodily effect on her, while planning my next step of my assault on her body.

I'm interrupted, as cries echo throughout the house. I internally sigh, slightly peeved about the disruption, but nonetheless, I journey to the source of the cries, after all, ignoring it would surely be some type of child abuse? I smiled to myself, as I opened the door to her room. I stared down at the small round face of my 1 year old toddler, her face beet red and wet with those crocodile tears. As if sensing my presence, she immediately stopped crying, displayed a toothy grin and raised her little arms in the air, beckoning me to comply, my little attention whore. A smile crept onto my face, I'm not sure how any guy could forego this experience. I quickly lifted her up into my arms as her smile turned into sporadic giggles, before I feel someone hug me from the back, I turned around to see Staci. Did I mention my wife is awesome too? Those people who say life sucks, don't know what they are talking about, life is awesome, my two beautiful women, this was heaven.

*End of Flashback*


"This is Barbara Windsor on the scene", the reported rattled off. "From what we gathered from onlookers, after an explosion in the Haynes Pharmaceuticals Research Facility Downtown just a few hours, smoke with kaleidoscopic properties was seen escaping through the facilities smokestacks, coincidentally enveloping a nearby flock of Arctic Tern while they were making their yearly migratory journey. The birds that made contact with the vapor seemed disillusioned before losing all flying a plummeting towards the ground, dead. However only moments after, as if the breath of life was breathed into them once more, those with uninjured wings took off into the air, though their once graceful soar, was now a haphazard glide. Subsequently after, instead of continuing on their continental flight, they turned their attention towards humans, raining bites from the skies, the true definition of an air raid, but this didn't go on for much longer before the birds dispersed through the city assaulting all who came in their path. Even now we are on the lookout for what media houses dubbed 'the killer birds'. Is this a new variant of mad cow disease, but instead of affecting cows, birds are the target? We are still yet to receive word from the manager of Haynes Pharmaceuticals about this catastrophic incident. This is all for now folks, signing off"

End of News Broadcast

Ms. Star's POV

I wonder what's happening, I hope Kale is okay, this little girl can't go through being estranged or worse losing another parent, she's been through enough.

"Ms. Star, is daddy okay? When am I going to see him?" Kali asked, ogling at me at me with her big eyes, filled with curiosity and expecting me to satiate it, when honestly I had no idea. Lying is a sin right? Then I'd have to bear the consequences, because I could in no way tell this child the truth, it was my duty as an adult, right? So I plastered a smile on my face, made sure my façade of confidence was in check before I told her the clichéd 'everything will be okay, trust me'. She looked at me for a moment before smiling jovially and nodding, but I couldn't shake the feeling that she saw straight through my lie. I guess that analytical prowess runs in the genes.

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