Chapter Two: Hell Break

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After the deafening BOOM of the centrifuge and the blaring alarms repeating "Warning!"

Time was of the essence.

I have to get out of the lab Kale thought, he dashed through the testing facility where the explosion supposedly occurred. He saw a plethora of immobilized bodies strewn all over and blood oozing from their temples and eyes. Others with broken glass and metal tubes protruding through their abdomen moaning in agony as life was slipping away, a sudden feeling of nausea rushed over him. The stench of blood prevailed in the air as Kale sprinted through seeking to escape the horror - neglecting those in need. I'm a coward, he thought, I left them there to die as guilt brutally caressed his thoughts. The urge to turn back and help was gnawing at his heart but cowardice reigned this he kept running. "I have bigger matters to look out for", he muttered. His daughter must be worried sick if her Dad was still alive! He thought as he entered the elevator. His sense of guilt that had once enveloped his entire being on moments ago, was now torn away as he focused on the one goal he now had in mind.

My daughter. I need my daughter.


22 Harold Street Downtown Caliberg

"Ms. Star! Ms. Star! Come quick look what's on the television!" the little 4 year old screamed. Ms. Star a fair skinned 27 year old blonde female babysitter with freckles on her cheek and ocean blue eyes and slim build, hurriedly strolled in wondering what the commotion was about. Then she saw it.


The cup fell from between her fingers as shock took over her body but only for a moment. "Kali, go inside now:' Ms. Star commanded.

"But that's daddy works! And there's smoke coming out of the roof!" The 4 year old crying with worry and sadness painted over her face. Ms. Star herself, started worrying about what happened and if the girl would see her dad again. "Why do these news agencies broadcast any and everything disregarding the viewers," She cursed "C'mon baby let's go to see your daddy." Together they left for the royal blue Suzuki jeep and sped out the driveway straight to the direction of the smokestack.

*****4:45pm March 15th, 2015.*****

The smog created a blanket in the sky that cut of the sunlight creating an eerie doomsday feeling. They were easily able to speed along the highway towards the explosion as it was empty. However, the lanes running adjacent to theirs were congested with drivers blaring their horns at the slow moving traffic. Why is everyone trying to leave the area? It's just a minor explosion.

Suddenly, the ear-splitting national emergency sirens kicked in and now Ms. Star knew - This was serious.

Kale's POV

"Can't this elevator go any faster?!" I shouted and tapped the lobby button impatiently, as if my intention was to break the button itself. The elevator slowly slid to a close then finally began its turtle like climb upwards, what seemed like only a moment later, the elevator box screeched and groaned as if it was coming to a stop. "What the..." I trailed off as Isaw the door open to a yet another chaotic lab. This was insane. A lab filled with wires hanging from the ceiling sparking as the air from the elevator brushed them to collide. Papers scattered on the floor with chairs and tables overturned caked with bloodstains and bodies scattered along the floor, as if trying to add decoration to the once dull room. One word described the scenery.


The warning alarm still singing in the distance and a soft female voice sobbing in the closet. I walk closer my curiosity piqued at someone still alive and so I began towards the closest then stop for a moment as I remember the task at hand, however my curiosity won me over, so I opened the door.

Sasha's POV

"Am I dreaming?" A multicoloured gas exited the exhaust vent that lead up to the roof as the explosions heat contorted the pipeline. Then everything changed. My colleagues began furiously choking which then it became as obvious as two plus two, what was the cause of it.

The gas

They fell to ground and thrashed around, but then something even weirder than what happened thus far occurred. They seemed to be becoming younger as the seconds dragged by, greying hair became sleek black and glowing blond... and wrinkles and crow's feet disappearing, with just moments of exposure. It was enough to make me act against my better judgment and strip out of my hazardous protection suit to delve into the benefits... until I saw their skin sag, peel and turn pale. Their hair falling out in lumps growing boils of abscess all over their bodies. Then after what seemed like an eternity, they twitch, just very slight movement before slowly getting up and trying to hold their weight like someone had who been in a decade long comma and now suffers the effects of severe atrophy. I was jovial as they didn't die until they looked at 'looked' is an understatement... they stared at me with lustful eyes, but not the lust that occurs when a guy sees a beautiful woman, but akin to the deep desire that lions had for deer.

 They saw me as food.

I needed to go...NOW

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