Chapter Seven: Explosive

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Kale's POV

Ughhh! You'd think I would have figured how much this hurt, I mean it's just Mass x (Final-Initial Velocity), but still rudimentary physics. The pain I was now feeling, could never be taught in a class. My vision blurred, I wonder if I have a concussion? I groaned while giving myself a quick pat down, looking for possible injuries. However, my superficial inspection was obstructed by the sounds of dragging feet, as the infected closed in on my position. I hurriedly adjusted my positioning to that of a defensive pose, while I scurried my surroundings, searching for an exit from this quickly-turning ominous situation. However, there was no escape, I was cornered. This situation could be likened to that of a pack of wolves, poised to attack its prey; minus the gracefulness though. The infected came at me in droves. A sinister smile slowly made its way onto my face. ."Well seeing that I'm surrounded I have to kill some - it's like college biology all over" he lightly joked. I'm sure this would be considered as self-defense anyway, they can hardly be called human regardless, I thought as I reached for the fire axe that had been strapped to my thigh, momentarily surprised that it hadn't been impaled somewhere in me during that fall.

I quickly leapt into the air, axe in hand, above one of the infected. Using gravity to increase the force, hoping to completely immobilize the recipient. However, I anticlimactically missed my target, the center of his forehead, by a mere few millimeters, instead I had just grazed from his face down towards his lower abdomen. This entrails fell out before me, they were rotting. As if completely unfazed, he came at me once more leaving a mess of dark coagulated blood in its wake. My next landed on point, completely tearing through its upper trapezius muscle, sending its head flying. The rest of its body dropped, dead.

Really Dead

Seems like decapitation works like I thought, though it was much easier than anticipated, the effects of the drug must have induced rapid muscle atrophy, hence reducing the amount of force needed to cut through limbs. This was great. Without missing a beat, I hurried moved on to the next, repeating my previous actions, causing an ensuing bloodbath.

Shortly after. This is tiring, how long have I been doing this!? I can't stop though, Kali won't lose me next. With that, I removed my bloodied lab coat, and resumed the carnage, slicing through meat like a butcher armed with his trusty cleaver, moving through combos and chops seamlessly.

Sasha's POV

I meticulously looked at Kale, gracefully while methodically tear through my former coworkers, even more, he hadn't seen like he was in the least bit fazed, even more so, he had seemed to be enjoying himself, and I didn't mind. Am I wrong for thinking like that? Kale danced, severing the heads, arms, upper torsos- anything that met the edge of his blade, sending a rain of blood in all directions with every movement, every swing, every step, you'd think he spent his days doing this sort of thing. But fatigue began growing on him, his movements were slowly becoming sluggish, they lost their grace, they were now mindless chops. Expending more of this energy, while downing less infects, he wasn't going to last much longer, and the hordes weren't letting up. Will he be okay? Come on Sasha you can help. I have neither the weapons to my disposal or the muscular build in order to assist, not forgetting I was already injured, and doing anything strenuous now would only worsen my condition, I winced just thinking about this unbearable pain becoming worse, while touching the tender skin surrounding the laceration. While rushing through my quick inspection, my hands brushed against a bulge in my waist pocket... the flare gun! But a shot from this hardly has enough force to piece the cranium...Then it struck me, the infected are attracted to movement and sound, as I remember them attacking the unfortunate intruder while I was hiding in the closest, now I just need an accelerant. I looked towards the kitchen, judging the distance to about 30 meters and seeing that Kale held their attention at the moment all should go well. I quickly descended from where I was perched in the vent, hanging quietly above the ground with 10 feet more to go. "God, why did I have to be so short", I moaned.


My sweaty hands slipped, a screamed escaped my sealed lips. I came down lightly then rolled to break the fall. I squealed as my injured leg hit the ground but didn't seem to catch their attention. Good going there Sasha, I scolded myself. Then in the distance Kale joined in the scolding, shouting "Are you insane?!"

He didn't know I was saving his life, how ungrateful could people get. I shot him a glare, hoping that he would understand that what my glare meant, and that I knew what I was doing. Then I limped over to the kitchen and awkward climbed over the counter. All is going well...

And well of course something goes haywire. There she stood, our morbidly obese cafeteria lady, my mind returned to a memory of a few friends and I making a bad joke about her having a tad too much of those fish sticks she so loved to make. Her face morphed into something resembling a smile as if she knew what I was thinking. Did she smile when she saw me?!

My body froze as she got up and lazily made her way towards me. I bet it'll take a while for her to get to me, I doubt I'll even be enough to sate her unfathomable hunger, I silently giggled to myself before scolding myself once more, I'm still making jokes in this type of situation? Is this where I'll die? I whimpered, while holding the loaded flare gone out before me. My last line of defense, I closed my eyes and shot.


The flare left directly from the chamber, into her right eye, burning out everything it touched. Before long she fell to the ground.


I paused for a moment, dumbfounded. I just shot someone, killed someone or something, and hit a bull's eye target like her right eye. Is this what you call a natural at shooting? Though we were right, it's the mostly the brain and spinal system the reanimates them like this. I mentally gave myself a pat on the back. After hearing a plethora of grunts and the pants, I recomposed myself and immediately turned the different knobs on the gas stoves, letting the liquefied petroleum gas which is also known as propane, escape into the air. I then sped out of the room, limping hurriedly, perhaps even worthy of the Special Olympics. Once I was a good distance away from the kitchen, based on how much diffusion would have occurred in that period of time, I load the flare gun once, more then shot at that area, then ducked and curled into a foetal positions as the bright light then thunderous clap of the explosion spread through the room, sending debris flying.







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