Chapter Eleven: Calm Before The Storm

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Kale's POV

"Kale!! Anyone!! Someone pick up!"

A voice echoed through the hallway speakers, is that who I think it is? I dashed to the nearest intercom receiver, and just short of screaming out my next few words. "Miss Star? Is that you? Where are you? Is Kali you? Tell me where you are!"

"Don't worry Kale, Kali's safe, she is sitting in a nearby air vent, I'm at the front reception desk"

"Wow that's great I'm just two floors down I'll be with you momenta- wait why is Kali in an air vent!?" My father instincts kicked in.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you when you get up here"

"Okay I'll be there in a bit, stay safe"

Without further ado with renewed energy, I climbed the remain flights in a flurry of movements, quickly hitting B1 floor before arriving at ground level, with Sasha tightly bound to my neck. Upon reaching the ground floor, I paused momentarily, just to observe the ensuing chaos. It seemed like the entire structure had been compromised and received the brunt of the subterranean explosion. The concrete pillars were cracked, exposing the steel beams that supported the entire building's structure, leaving the once considered architectural masterpiece, into a contorted, warped space, waiting to cave in on us at any moment, even more worried that Kali could be trapped in a vent somewhere!

When resuming the my journey towards the reception desk, I see Miss Star in the distance, but also a few infected leaving the lounge area, now hot on her trail. The speakers here much have caught their attention and brought them her, I concluded.

"Sasha, can you manage a bit of limping at the moment? I have to go deal with a few unwanted guests."

Her eyes scanned a nearby desk," Sure just pass me that keyboard on the side there" she pointed, "I have nothing else to defend myself with anymore. I think I'm out of flare shots", she chuckled.

"A keyboard? Interesting choice of weaponry". I complied with her request, before unfastening the hand axe that was strapped to my leg. While making my way to Miss Star, I see her too, armed with a keyboard in hand, hmm keyboards are popular today. I stretched my neck, where Sasha had been holding and rolled my shoulders, before starting into a light jog, jumping, and hacking away as the first came into arms reach, slicing through the carotid artery, spinal column and all.

Complete dismemberment

I followed up my initial attack with a powerful downward hack, with a deathly uppercut, laying waste to any that dare come within my range. Then something strange occurred, there was a slight pause in their advances towards me, as if they had seen their lives flash before already dead eyes, I nearly burst out laughing at their humanlike antics. Oh well, on to the hurt, I quickly wrapped up the remained forces with a combination of hacks and slashes, just missing an unsanitary bite by a mere few inches.

When all was over, I re-fastened my now bloodied axe, before running and bombarding Miss Star with a suffocating hug for a moment while thanking her for going through hell for me before inquiring about Kali. Miss Star hurriedly guided me towards the building, though stopped for a split second to turn, almost forgetting about Sasha, who was speedily hobbling behind us. I flashed her a quick smile before I resumed my focus.

"Here's the vent Kale" Miss Star pointed to a small vent just beyond the entrance.

I swiftly removed the blockading grid, before hearing the squeak of a young girl-my little girl. With tears strewn down her cheeks, she leaped from where she sat, directly in my waiting arms, while screaming "Daddy!" I hugged her tightly, brushing her hair, placing kisses on her forehead, while tears from my own eyes finally erupted. Intense joy flooded my body, this is the best moment; I've got my baby back.


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