Chapter Five: Kale The Innovative

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Back in lab

Kale's POV

"Erm Mr. James?", Sasha mumbled. " If the quickest way to the surface is by using the elevator, why did we just pass one. Aren't we trying to escape ASAP?"

" If you remember correctly, that's the elevator I came up on ? It was groaning throughout my entire ascent to this floor, and I'm not sure I was to be stranded in a metal box hanging a few hundred feet over thin air." I paused for moment before containing " Or worse than just being entrapped. ..falling to our deaths too" I chuckled at the end in attempt to lighten the true severity of our situation. Sasha looked unfazed.

"Oh and by the way, you can call me Kale, I doubt there is any need for honorifics like 'Mr' in this situation. And I'm guessing that my full name is quite the mouthful"

This time she gave a small smile before asking " So kale, do you have a plan to get us out of here?" "Preferably with any bites, I bruise easily. "She added on at the end while now donning a full-out grin.

"I may have something, hardly what I'd call foolproof through"

I stopped for a moment to explain. " When you consider the fact that these creatures are cannibalistic, they would then behave in a similar manner to that of any other predator in relation to its prey. In other words, predators follow their prey. That's just the natural order." I stopped mid explanation to see if she was following. Before long, her eyes sparkled as realisation hit her " So we just have to avoid the cafeteria area, and we should b-" She cut herself off, when she realised why that was not an option we could afford to explore. "The second elevator in this complex in adjacent to the cafeteria, which means that taking that route, assuiming that your theory about the predators following their prey in outlandish situation stands true, that would then lead us to them rather than away
"Exactly." I concurred. This would be an exact replica of tired African herds finally arriving at that oasis, the waterhole, perhaps the only means of survival, only to be oblivious of the fact that there are predators nearby, laying wait in the brush. "

Sasha's face fell as I continued on explaining. "Don't sulk just yet; like I said I have a plan." I reassured her. " This complex has two emergency stairwells that are to be used to get topside incase the elevators are out of the commission. To get to the eastern wing's stairwell we'd have to pass the cafeteria. So that's out of the realm of solutions. The Westen stairwell is actually not far from here, so should be just a few minutes before we are topside." I flashed her my brilliant smile, confident in the infallibility of my impromptu plan.

Sasha's POV

We walked briskly along the halls toward the West Wing stairwell. Well, Kale walked briskly, what I was doing could only accurately be described as the hybrid love child between limping and hopping or resembling an indigenous Amerindian tribal dance, due to the shard of glass protruding outwards from my thigh. I winced as realisation hit me, only allowing an almost inaudible hiss to escape between my tightly sealer lips. Don't show pain, ,don't let him realise!

I'm not sure whether he heard my hiss or he just sensed my discomfort, but he turned around with only worry displayed in his eyes.

"Why hadn't you told me you were injured!...This is going to hurt", Kale whisper-shouted. Before I had time to responded, he yanked the shard, the quickly muffled my scream with his hand... his face just a few centimetres from mine. ..his warm breath on my face. His olive eyes peering into mine. Whether we were like that for a moment or five minutes I have no idea, and I may not have minded. At least until Kale brought me out of my delusions by telling me I'm bleeding out. .. Yes I acted that way because of the blood loss, I convinced myself.

Kale quickly ripped an ample piece of the lab coat with a quick flex of his arms and made a makeshift gauze to stop the bleeding. It looked almost professionally done, did he do this often? I wondered.

Kale smiled, as if proud of his handiwork before crouching down before me. I looked at him incredulously. What is he doing. ..No... I can't be what I think it is?

Kale interrupted my thoughts, " What are you waiting for? You can't walk on your leg, at least not very fast, and if you do, you might end up making it worse" Kale muttered of matter-of-factly.

I quickly got unto his back, hiding my faint blush and allowed him to carry me. "What would you know about this sort of thing?"

"That's a story for another time", he replied casually.

As we arrived at the stairwell, the once dismal mood returned. The stairwell had collapsed possibly due to forced changes in the building structure because of the explosion, debris blocked our passage way to freedom. I guess this is what you call Murphy's law, everything that can go wrong will go wrong. ..

"So do you have another brilliant plan? " I asked sarcastically, now in a sour mood because of the recent turn of events.

"Actually, I do." Kale's eyes sparkled.

He keeps on surprising me. .

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