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Hi! So sorry for the wait! (And for the Cliffhanger) 

I've been remarkably busy as of late...

Anyway, enjoy the chapter!


 I woke up to the sound of the doors opening. I had cried myself to sleep last night, and for once hadn't been disturbed by nightmares.

The Homestead started to come alive, boys waking up and moving solemnly about their tasks.

I stood, staring into the Maze, dreading the task at hand.

The Baggers came to stand with me at the door, knowing what we had to do.

"Ready?" Jackson asked me.

"As I'll ever bloody be." I replied.

But just as we were about to step into the Maze, there was a flicker of movement at the end of the corridor.

Two people came into view.

No. That's impossible! I thought, but they were there. There and alive!

Tommy and Minho.

Then my heart plummeted.

Alby. Where was Alby?

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore, and walked unsteadily over to the two. "What happened? How in the bloody-"

Thomas interrupted. "We'll tell you later. We have to save Alby."

"What do you mean? He's alive?" Alby was alive!

"Just come here," Thomas said, leading me over to the wall. I followed, confused, but when I saw Alby, I was plain shocked. Of course I was glad- elated even, that they weren't Griever chow, but it was impossible! Nobody survived a night in the Maze!

"Is he... alive?" I finally asked. Alby was awfully still, hanging in the vines.

"I don't know," Tommy replied, "Was when I left him there."

"When you left him..." I shook my head in bewilderment and gave up trying to figure out exactly what the shuck had happened, and just took it like it was. They were alive! That was all that mattered. "You and Minho get your butts inside, get yourselves checked by the Med-jacks. You look bloody awful. I want the whole story when they're done and you're rested up."

"But Alby..." Tommy started to say, but Minho grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back towards the Glade.

"We need sleep. And bandages. Now."

I stared after them as they left, then called out to the Baggers.

"We need to cut Alby down, then get him to the Med-jacks, right buggin' quick." I said.

I took a breath and reached for the vines.

I would need to climb.

I was horribly reminded of the day I jumped...

Climb, slinthead! I admonished myself.

Grasping the vines, I climbed up to where Alby hung. Hooking my elbow around one vine, I pointedly ignored exactly how high up I was, focusing instead on the task at hand.

I needed something sharp to cut the vines encircling Alby's chest. I didn't have a knife anymore, those were just used by Runners.

I fumbled for my keyring, and came up with the heavy slammer key.

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