France: part 2

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Amy and Ty got off the plane and walked over to the luggage carrier. Amy pointed out their suitcases and Ty grabbed them. When they walked towards the door, hey saw a sign that read Mr. and Mrs. Borden. The man holding up the sign took their bags and led them to a limo.
"Whoa, this is amazing!" Amy said cheerfully.
Amy and Ty enjoy the limo on the way to their hotel. When they pull up in front of the hotel Amy looks out the window and gasps from how amazing it looks. They get out of the limo and are escorted to their room.
"This is so beautiful." Amy says in shock.
"I know." Ty responds.
Ty walks over to Amy and puts his arms around her and kisses her cheek.
"Hey, do you want to go explore?" Ty asked.
"No, I'm so tired. How about tomorrow?" Amy questioned.
"Sure." Ty replied.
Amy and Ty went to bed and fell asleep in each others arms.

The next morning, Amy wakes up and sees Ty fast asleep still. She quietly gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom to shower. When she got out Ty was still sleeping so Amy decided to go downstairs and look around.

Amy walked out of the room and heard
"Amy? Is that you?"
She turned around,
"Mallory? Jake? Hey!"
"Hey, how have you been? how was your wedding?" Mallory asked.
"I'm good and it was truly amazing. I loved it." Amy replied.
"So, what are you doing here?" Mallory questioned.
"I'm here with Ty. We are here for our honeymoon and it was our wedding gift." Amy said happily.
"That's awesome, so you want to come downstairs with us?" Mallory asked.
"Sure, I was going down there anyways, may as well go with someone I know!" Amy replied.

30 minutes later...

Ty woke up and realized Amy wasn't there. He got up, showered and walked downstairs to find her. When we spotted her, he walked up behind her and put his. Arms around her.
"Hey!" Amy exclaimed.
"Hey." Ty responded and sat down in the chair next to Amy.
"Amy!" calls a voice from across the lobby.
Amy looks over and sees Ahmed running towards her.
"What are you doing here?" Amy asked.
"I came to see you. I need to talk to you, privately." Ahmed replied.
"whatever you need to say you can say to both of us." Amy answered.
"Just go Amy, its fine." Ty adds and walks away.
Ahmed leads Amy over to a corner to talk to her in a more private area.
"I came to tell you that... I still love you and I can do way better than he ever could." Ahmed pleaded.
"Ahmed, Ty and I are in love and I would never leave him. You already almost ruined our relationship once and we don't need that to happen again!" Amy implied.
"Amy, you know I'm way better for you than he will ever be and I wont hold you back from your dreams." Ahmed continued.
Amy lifts up her hand about to slap him when Ty looks over and runs over.
"Ahmed, I think you should go." Ty mentioned.
"Amy, I love you and I want you and I'm way better for you and will never hold you back." Ahmed pointed out.
Amy slapped him and ran upstairs crying and Ty runs after her. Amy opens the door, slams it shut and falls on the bed. When Ty gets upstairs he opens the door, walks in, sits beside Amy and hugs her.
"It's ok Amy." Ty says trying to comfort her.
"No it's not, he's trying to ruin our marriage and I don't want to loose you." Amy cried.
"You won't loose me, ok, ever, k." Ty responds.
Amy nods and Ty leans in and kisses her.
"Now, lets go, there's lots to do and see." Ty mentioned

Amy and Ty walked out of the hotel and went exploring. Tys phone rings and he answers it.
"Hello. Ok, thank you. We will be there sometime tomorrow, thanks, bye."
"Who was that?" Amy asks.
"It's a surprise. You'll find out tomorrow." TY replies.
"Ok." Amy says and puts her arm around Ty.

4 hours later...

"Come on, its getting late. Lets go back to the hotel." Ty mentioned
Amy and Ty go back to the hotel and go up to their room. When Amy opened the door she found a bunch of roses and a note that said "I love you." She looks back and Ty, sees a giant smirk on his face and runs over to him and starts kissing him. They both fall on to the bed, continue making out and we all know what happens next.

The next morning Amy wakes up to Ty staring at her with a huge smile on his face. Amy leans over and gives him a kiss.
"Thank you. Last night was amazing, I loved it." She commented.
"It was pretty amazing, wasn't it." Ty replied
"Yea, we should probably get up and pack. The car to take us to Lisas vacation home is going to be here soon." Amy mentioned.
"Ok." Ty said while getting up.
After Amy and Ty had both showered and packed up all their stuff they walked downstairs, gave their bags to the limo driver, got into the limo and left the hotel.

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